Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Another way to look at Roberts' vote . .
What's so funny, Chief Justice, when this nation is so divided over this.
Any reason why the AG has to fuel the Republican politics? Go give the documents!
It's Romney's fault for unpopular health care today, Obama gets the credit now that Court's approved. Yikes!

Friday, June 29, 2012
America's divided on Obamacare . .
I like Roberts, but what's so funny about this, Chief Justice . . . a nation is divded, find little humor in Thursday's decision even if we need reform.
Rumbings under the earth in San Diego . .

Monday, June 25, 2012

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Did Obama not know Muslin Brotherhood would grab the power?
The greater evil is the silence of others . . .

Monday, June 18, 2012

Sunday, June 17, 2012

To all the fathers in the world: THE LORD IS WITH YOU, MIGHTY WARRIOR. Judges 6:12.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

When Obama said, MUBARAK, YOU MUST GO, he had no clue the Muslim Brotherhood would be the replacement. Did he?
Obama wants us to debate same sex marriage, children of undocumented people, so we do not discuss his record on the economy.
Obama's administration is planning on side-swiping the Supreme Court decision with another drastic internal executive order to take away the sting in case.
Obama's schemes: evolve on same sex, suddenly evolve on young "illegal aliens," advocate for legalization of marijuana, and replace Biden with Clinton . .

Friday, June 15, 2012

Sidetracking the issue, controversy festered, stuck on race, scoring points with another voting block indirectly.
All on election year . . evolving, another word for "manipulating."
These outbursts from here to Congress is due to the insult of a President playing the hearts of the people, mere seduction and political, tragic!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

We have a leadership in the highest office in the United States.
Whatever happened to the liberal view of diversity, plurality, and tolerance. Hmmmm.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Too many followers in this world, not enough authentic and true leaders. BE A TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADER!
Cherish the moments, value and honor your loved ones,and always be true and faithful. No shame in being different from this world!
Stand up for the truth. Purpose based on principle and passion by conviction!
Has God ever wiped away your tears and put a smile on your face? He's right there with you.
When you can't go any further, pause and wait. God cannot lie, He will always be there. Wait on His timing!
If you listen and clear your mind, He will speak back to you when you pray. Too much chatter hinders hearing. LISTEN!
This cannot be just about color and race, cannot. This election must be on issues. Not because he's Mormon, not because he's from Hawaii.
She's weird.
The earth, guilty or innocent, needs to repent. We need revival on the whole earth.
Careless or deliberate, economies wrecked to bring about the new world order.
I like the way Ari answered Chris Matthews . . .

Friday, June 8, 2012

Obama needs to listen to his supporters, catch this.
The hypocrisy of the left making claiming justice for all, except for those they disagree with.
This has to stop . . this is evil. . .
Just because I strongly oppose the lack of leadership in our current President does not mean that I stop praying for him. Pray for our President!
When I was studying political science and public policy, all too often the people calling for redistribution of power evolved out of that belief once the power was consolidated to them, DO NOT TRUST BIG GOVERNMENT.
I think all of us should be respectful of a position we strongly disagree with, but when there is nothing on the other side except rhetoric, no wonder politics is at an all-time low.
If I were a liberal, I still could not vote for President Obama, because most of the time, he's on stage. I need a leader, not an actor!
Even when I disagreed with Bill Clinton, I at least appreciated the fact that he could articulate in substance what he was saying so that there was a clear substantive debate to follow. When Obama speaks, I say, HUH? WHAT? YOU'RE EVOLVING AGAIN? No baseline, in too early, we need a leader, the real kind!
I watch Meet the Press because I infrequently see a decent discussion on the issues fairly represented by contrasts of substance, but Obama's radical left and the radical right make discussions impossible. Obama's team Chicago-style, change promised, false hope. DSYFUNCTIONAL!
What we see in Washington is an indication to what is going on in American education. The schools need to produce critically thinking people who understand what our democracy is all about, truly the greatest nation ever.
There is no question in my mind that Washington D.C. is dysfunctional, not because of the infrastructure of our federal system, but the dysfunctional people that fill these positions. Not all, but enough and too many for these times.
Some Republican leaders in Congress look like "old men" struggling to think and talk while the White House has a party and Hollywood actor, hoping to be a Reagan incarnate. Yikes! LEADERSHIP GAP, THAT'S OUR CHALLENGE TODAY!
Maybe "they" will make Hilliary the VP for Obama . . check out the stir with hubby Bill, now he's a leader, like him or not.
Liberals are confused about Obama because he's constantly evolving so he claims. The real O is still an imagination in the minds of others, that's the story!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Is politcal debate good for our democracy?
Another attack or another secret untold?

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Even when I disagreed with Clinton, he at least made some sense and had substance . .

Monday, June 4, 2012

Watch this exchange . . .
Who will monitor the DOJ? Heehee hee hee.
What a mighty God we serve!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Even liberals are appalled . . .
Bill Clinton's comments.
Evolving Obama now with a kill list. . . go read, go figure!
A hope for those with cancer . . .

Friday, June 1, 2012

Many years ago, I heard this: will the real Mr. Obama please stand up. Evolving? No, coming out!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Our great uniter and agent of change irritating another ally . . Oh brother!!!

Monday, May 28, 2012

I watch Morning Joe and now, I am wondering why . . yikes . . .

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Watch is excellent video on emotional intelligence.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

In order for our democracy to work, the free flow of information must be available to the people. Keep the internet free, it's up to you to hold information accountable and to check out the facts, do not lean on the media to do your thinking!
The censorship continues . . .

Friday, May 25, 2012

The messages of Obama are muddled because the real Obama is "evolving," get ready, folks!
Watch video on depression in the workplace.
We need to identify our negative self-talk.
Read about this research on positive words in social relationships.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Need Christian counseling, contact me, Adrian Yuen, Ph.D.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Even the Democrats are getting concerned to an extent . . read this . .

Monday, May 21, 2012

Get the message, connect the dots.
Even some Democrats are uncomfortable with a few things about the Obama's campaign generalities and seeming attacks.
If you disagree with the Roman Catholic Church on contraception, abortion, etc., you can choose to stay or leave, but government must stay out of "church's business."

Sunday, May 20, 2012 Campbell Brown well said, read this, urgent . .
Two forces cannot be broken: truth and love.
People everywhere know we are in trouble, turning to the new world order instead of God.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Read this urgent article . . . paranoid?
Have a great day today . . .
Someone text-messaged me and said, I AM EXPECTING A REVIVAL THIS WEEK . . Wow, I so agree!
If cross-dressers were a voting block to contend with, I "bet" Obama would evolve on that too . . oops!
Have you ever gotten up and said to God, LET THIS BE A SUPERNATURAL DAY OF MIRACLES? Let is be your prayer!
Love as much as you can and as many as you can, yet wisely.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Another side of Jeremiah Wright . . .

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Zimmerman's medical report. . .

Monday, May 14, 2012

Good online theology refresher course.
Some Christians have this need to view Obama as following the Bible that nothing he says or does will challenge this misperception.
Continuing to stand up for his faith . .
A sermon on THE LANDMARK, the boundary stone. Please watch!
I find this article very alarming . . .

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Romney's and Obama's high school and college years' "character" issue should be opened game? Hope not, we'd be in trouble too!
Why are "they" reporting Romney's bullying and Obama's drug use in high school or college?
Mubarak's gone, Obama encouraged it, Muslim Brotherhood on the rise, Egypt and Israel at risk, WH lacked foresight, or did it?
A narcissist in love with creating his own legacy, aided by brilliant spin-masters and liberal media.
I like the way John Thune discusses issues, appears focused and articulate, less the political drama.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Where's the outrage? Hello, President Obama . .
The President is not evolving on same sex marriage, he's unwrapping his true self, WHY I NEVER TRUSTED HIS LEADERSHIP. I need real even if I disagree!
Walk circumspectly, redeeming the time, for the days are evil. MARANATHA!
Watch and pray!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Media objectivity: Obama is evolving what Romney is flip-flopping . . . it's all in the word and words, propaganda!
I understand the need to respect other points of view, but Obama is really not evolving, he's being unwrapped. WELCOME TO THE REAL O.
Ai ya. . what happened to Michelle's campaign . . ouch!
All for votes, a man who is lost within his own soul, election year evolving . . .
If Obama is re-elected, the real O will now show up, we only saw glimpses. Where are foreseers and prophets who see before things materialize?

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Rhetoric . . rhetoric . . rhetoric . .
Is the White House addressing this issue?
Chris Mann sings with Christina . . . what a duet, not sure about her dress (yikes).
Love this voice . . Jermaine Paul . .
Jermaine Paul and Chris Mann, my favorites . . wow, THE VOICE.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Another great musical presentation by Chris Mann, the voice . . .
What a voice . . . Chris Mann . . awesome, THE VOICE.
We all need to get healed, I was born poor, my mother had no husband, we were all on welfare, but she our journey came from many sources: one of which was a drive within us to get out of our poverty.
Greed is a problem, make no mistake, but others use greed of some rich to work against free enterprise. Not good.
The assumption that all rich people are greedy and prevent the poor from betting better is not fuilly the truth, partly propaganda.
Greed is evil, wealth is not.
Know your health boundaries and do not let others in without your invitation.
Live truth, love others.
God gives you vision because your purpose is in it.
You were born here for a purpose, live it.
Live your purpose one day at a time.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Any wonder why bin Laden liked the Arab Spring?
Billy Sunday preaching . . .
Oral Roberts preaching . . we need more revivalists today. . .

Saturday, May 5, 2012

As if the Lord is saying, BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM THE LORD!
In this day and age, we must clearly know the voice of the shepherd as His sheep so we follow not other similar sound.
Never forget who you are and what you are called to do. The test of these days is FOCUS.
As if the Lord is saying, Get ready, things will quicken, chaos first and then He will return soon.

Friday, May 4, 2012

No press conference anymore?
Is this Biblical prophecy?
If a liberal ranted, Obama would not respond, media would understand, but . . . not this one!
This is sad . . .

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Love my grandchildren . . . thank you, Jesus!
My grandsons, Elias, Ezekiel, and Kayden James, keep staring at me whenever I am in the room. . . love to see that, they draw me to them.
My grandson, Nevin, asks me for $1 for the store and when he tells me what is intending to buy, he knows I have to give him more even when he did not officially ask . . he's learning how to manipulate his papa who loves him, smile!
My oldest grandchildren, Nevin and Lillinoe, are learning how to avoid me when I am about to give out a chore in my office, they suddenly have to do homework and they sneak off into the lobby only to get on their tech gadgets . . smile!
My grandson, Ezekiel, always comes into my office and says, POP POP POP, and I think he is calling me when is saying, LOLLIPOP, LOLLIPOP. . . smile!
oops . . i like go eat at da pancake house this morning, late for work, tired, exhausted but always hungry. how come? Mao version of Chinese . . .
Obama was inexperienced in 2008, his supporters had to make him look successful no matter what (great spin masters) and some of his opponents wanted him to fail regardless. Yikes!
As Oral Roberts said for many years, SOMETHING GOOD IS GOING TO HAPPEN TODAY. Believe that!
Even when we sense something is happening, I see shadows of God's Presence assuring us, I AM ALWAYS HERE.
I am so convinced that God has a personal revival and miracle for every person in a night season!
Many years ago, I met Robert Anthony Schuller at Kahala Mall and told him how much I appreciated his strength during his night season. Watch this . .

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Roller Derby in Hawaii, I probably at these games when I was just a young boy in the 60s.
The men of the Hawaiian Warriors in Roller Derby in Honolulu. . .
Roller Derby at the Honolulu Civic Auditorium . .

Monday, April 30, 2012

It is good ask God to give added love for those people we may disagree with, no matter if what they believe contradict what we know is the truth. Ask God to protect our love for people so that we can show tell them the truth without alienating them.
Being Mormon as in the case of Romney or from Hawaii as in the case of President Obama has nothing to do with whom I would vote in November. I need a leader in the White House!!!
As a conservative, I know the value of healthy compromise. We cannot always get our way. I want every person to be a Christian, but I will vote against mandating that by law.
Some conservatives are so extreme like some liberals are so radical that one gets the impression that a difference of opinion is a death sentence. I need a President who is experienced to bring diversity together without dividing the lines. Rich v. poor, black v. white, religion v. freedom, men v. women.
Respect for all points of view are important in a free society. But, that respect does not eliminate honest debate or an attempt to persuade otherwise. Tolerance does not mean persuasion is excluded.
It is easy for us to ignore what is happening in our country in the confusion of political polarization and just hope all will be sorted out, but a radical agenda is moving without regard to plurality, tolerance is only extended to those of like views.
Two things I am concerned about: the departure of respect for the U.S. Constitution and an attempt to paint religion as outdated so that radical policies can take over without dissent or opposition!
I highly recommend that we read THE CLOSING OF THE AMERICAN MIND by Alan Bloom . .
Polarization is the result of radical policies implemented by this administration. When a nation is as divided as it is, we need a moderate or centrist to lead us so this polarization is stopped and cool heads prevail.
Two ways I evaluate: by what God says and what a person claims . . . Obama claims to be a uniter and not a divider . . and while we can blame the Republicans for some of the divisiveness, Obama is no "angel of unity." Oops, sorry!
Even when we disagree passionately with others not like "us," it is very important to encourage an honest dialogue and to do so respectfully.
We may not all be the same religion or religious persuasion, but even our passion demands respect for other points of view.
Years ago, I participated in a "debate" at the University of Hawaii between evangelicals and secularist-humanists. The Mormons and Catholics debated better v. secularists than us evangelicals. Smile!
Joel Osteen is at it again . . . all-inclusive.
Breibart's coronor dies mysteriously . . .

Sunday, April 29, 2012

In the youth expressions meeting now, wow, our young people leaders are on it . . . working the vision!!!!!
Had a great time with the members of His Highest Praise Waimanalo this afternoon. God was so present!
See you in worship at His Highest Praise Honolulu this morning at 10 a.m. Blessings to all of you!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Wake up . . .
Many are called and few are chosen!
Build your house on the rock . . . the rains will come, the more rock you are on, the more the rains will come. But, YOU WILL STAND.
Build your house on the rock so when the rains come, the streams rise and the winds blow, the house is strong!
Greater is He who is in you than he who is in this world (adapted Scripture).
If it be possible, even the very "elect" will be deceived. WATCH AND PRAY!
Know the difference between prophecy of these endtimes and political manipulations.
Know the difference between the heart yearning after God and a religious spirit.
Know the difference between a church that disciples us beyond our flesh and a church that pacifies us by an unbiblical teaching of grace that allows for permissive living.
Know the difference between the infallible Word of God and impressions of our thoughts by what seems like the Holy Spirit.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Our daughter Teri Lynn Yuen Kim's birthday tomorrow . . . Happy Birthday, Teri!!!!!
When Chris Daughtry, Stefano Lagone, and Colton Dixon left AI, the competition was over . . . rooting for Josh and Jessica still!!!!
A holy person is a humble person too . . living for Jesus means living right for all the right reasons . . FOR ME TO LIVE IS CHRIST.
We may see things in others that are deficient, but if we are in touch with ourselves, we will know that what we see should only challenge us to help or if not, definitely to pray!
Learn to love people, be honest and straightfoward as necessary, but intimacy of friendship requires truthfulness, transparency, and respect.
A person can be wrong without being evil.
Sometimes just before the day breaks, the chaos intensifies. The enemy knows how to get you to quit just before the victory!
God has a way of testing you for all that you have learned. If you are not being tested, He may already know you have not learned much. Smile!
God gives us visions and dreams so that we do not get stuck in the here and now. I see what is not yet as if it is already! A greater tomorrow is coming!
People are poor for many reasons and there must be social efforts to help people out of poverty, but to punish the rich and let government control the wealth is more dangerous.
There is a subtle battle today as to who will own the poor. No way!
People with vision and ambition can become greedy and so morality must co-exist, but the rich is not our enemy, greed is!
Wake up every morning with vision, go to sleep every night with dreams!
Wow, we are in a contrived debate over contraception while Egypt is talking about sex with dead wives . . . Huh?
Playing us as always . . politics, politics, politics . . .
Concerning bin Laden, all glory goes to Obama and all blame goes to Bush and Romney . . . wow!
Some signs of cancer . . .

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Even if Trayvon could have been misjudged and tragically, another travesty is in the making when people act emotionally. Sad all around. .
This is why leadership of all color needs to call for calm . . .
As if God is saying, Do we know the difference in a genuine prayer of humility from one like the Pharisee who says, I AM SO GREAT . .
As if God is saying, Do we know the difference between a true shepherd and a false hireling?
As if God is saying, Do we know that Satan is coming in the form of Christ, deceiving many, unless we have discernment and Word?
As if God is saying, Do we know the difference between worship and worldly intrusions into the church coming in disguise of worship?
As if God is saying, Do we know the true vision and calling from ambition and the want of significance?
As if God is saying, Do we know the difference between what drives a Godly leader from what drives an ambitious person seeking power over people?
As if God is saying, Do we know the difference between righteousness and judmentalism?
As if God is saying, Do we know that the Antichrist will act more like Christ than against Christ at some point to deceive even the "elect?"
As if God is saying, Do we know the difference between true spirituality and religious spirits?
As if God is saying, Do we know the difference between servant leadership and the ego-centered ambition?
Listen to Supreme Court Hearing on Immigration Arguments. . . .

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wow . . . Hollie!!!!
Colton Dixon my favorite, but wow. . . Jessica and Joshua were wow!!!!! Joshua's second song was impeccable, Jessica no less, wow!
More information on George Zimmerman . . .

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I love vision even when it comes like waves . . .

Monday, April 23, 2012

"I am resolved no longer to linger, charmed by the world's delight . . ." (lyrics).
"I'd rather have Jesus than silver or gold, I'd rather have Him than riches untold . . I'd rather have Jesus than fortune or fame, I'd rather have Jesus. . ." (adapted lyrics to an old song).
When people say, IT CANNOT BE DONE, we say, IF IT IS GOD'S WILL, IT MUST BE DONE. Learn to live on the YES SIDE OF GOD. No better place even when all you have heard in your lifetime is a no!
The current world discourages the idealism of the dreamer, sometimes we have to step out of the pressing reality to reach up to the sky and find the skirt of a God who is bending low to feed our soul.
Some men see things as they are and ask, WHY? I see things as they should be and ask, WHY NOT? (adapted version of Robert Kennedy).
Sometimes I know my body is exhausted and then I meet a person who I see has so much potential and the visionary in me rises up. We were born to dream, dream big, expect much, and cherish what you have no matter!
If you marriage is challenged, your finances are a problem, if everywhere you turn, something is still lacking. There is deep place in the soul where peace lives and where hope never dies. KEEP DREAMING, CALLED TO SEE, ALWAYS TRUSTING.
I can see greater than it is, greater than I am, greater than the impossible. It starts in what you can see . . . SEE GOD, BELIEVE THE IMPOSSIBLE!
When our flesh is tired and weary, God can still quicken our minds so that we never cease imagining, never cease dreaming, envisioning, SEEING what is not yet!
"The dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow." (adapted version).
Even as I am tired right now, I keep getting faith steps leading me to a greater vision in my spirit!
This is unfortunate. . .
When an innocent Jesus was being crucified, the religious crowd remained quiet . . an agenda is released to attack the freedoms of people today and the church is hardly a voice for truth!
Open your eyes . . . didn't somebody promised to change America fundamentally. The front: contraception. The truth: religious infringement.
Is this an Obama ad? Wow . .
Satan will come looking, sounding, and impressing as as if he is God. Be wise and careful, learn the difference between the genuine and the counterfeit. Almost the same, but way different.
Great day today (Sunday) . . . home at last, tired, exhausted, but looking forward to Monday School of Leadership and Life Coaching Training. Love my students.
Luke 8: Jesus returned, they welcomed Him, and expected miracles from Him . .. Welcome Him is a form of worship! Welcome the Lord!
Full day at church and major meetings . . . God is still at work . . . for us!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

See you at His Highest Praise Honolulu, 423 Kamake'e Street, Honolulu, 10 a.m. service!
Have a great day in God's House today!
I am an advocate of life-long learning. When we get stuck on what we already know, more than likely, it's on its way out. Knowledge retained is knowledge applied.
Sense, see, pray, and then say if necessary!
Discern and detect!
The more you know, the more you know you need to know more. That is why I know who really is taught, trained, and tested. THEY ARE HUMBLE!
We choose to hide our ugly parts in hopes that no one would know until we meet a God of Love who says, I WILL HEAL YOU AND MAKE YOU INTO MY IMAGE once again!
Do not be afraid to tell Jesus exactly what is on your mind. He already knew, but there is freedom in a confession!
All of us may feel cheated of something we wished we had more of, but when we stop to think of what we have and others do not, we thank God for what He has given us and we choose to serve others. JOY!
I grew up without my biological father, but I had to learn early on in my life who my real Father is anyway. ALWAYS PRESENT, NEVER FAILING GOD.
Expecting GOD TO MANIFEST HIMSELF today as we come together to worship Him . . . ABBA, FATHER . . . LORD JESUS CHRIST . . . PRECIOUS HOLY SPIRIT
"The dreams of yesterday are the hopes of today and the realities of tomorrow." (unknown quote)
Count your blessings, name them one by one (lyrics of song).
He that loveth not knoweth not God, for God is love. (adapted Scripture)
Many Christians find it easier to hear a soft message than a hard one. Wow, imagine hanging out with Jesus when He was in rebuke mode.
The entrance of God's Word giveth light! (adapted Scripture).
"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." (adapted Scripture)
If Satan cannot take you to hell, he would like to bring hell to you . . . DEFY HIM, WORSHIP GOD AND HIM ONLY!
Take your worry and convert it to worship. Praise as if the prayer has already been answered and then watch . . . it may take a while, but it will resolve to what's best!
Some people struggle and suffer in secret, hiding their battles within themselves. There is a friend who will not only hear you but heal you. TRY JESUS!
Luke 8: a woman with a 12 year blood problem was too embarassed to bring her needs to Jesus so she just crawled from behind and touched him, BUT HE KNEW.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Chuck Colson home at last . . . with Jesus.
The inconsistency . . .
The incredible immature response of Obama towards Matt Damon . . .
Oops . . my grand-daughter is yelling and telling me that a roach is by her toys and I said to her, OOPS, SORRY, YOU'RE ON YOUR OWN, BABY DOLL. I'm allergic to roaches, smile! Mean, Grandpa!
Sometimes we get tired and go through slump I call the night season, feeling that even God has abandoned us. But, even in the silence of God, that too is just a fleeting season, joy will come in the morning. The morning birds will sing again (Song of Solomon)
On the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit fell upon the people and the people were filled with God's power so that they would be sustained to carry out the Great Mandate for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Be filled with the Spirit and serve on!
Some people are in the church building, but not in the church . . imagine when we say, WE HAVE BEEN IN CHURCH FOR YEARS and God will say, I NEVER KNEW YOU, WHEN WERE YOU IN MY HOUSE?
God sees the heart and will also measure all works by motives too. Sad to have a no report when we stand before Him, because we gave for all the wrong reasons . . Self!
I was typing here when my grand-daughter asked for milk and I told her to ask her grandmother when the Spirit spoke to my heart and said, PRACTICE WHAT YOU WRITE. Smile . . love God when He confronts us . . I got her the milk!
God's Word says, PREFER ONE ANOTHER.
Satan is a great enemy to all of mankind, but the greater enemy is the self that pretends to follow Jesus but worships itself primarily at people's disregard.
When we are born again by Christ, living for Him is a natural outflow of that powerful conversion.
Some see grace as God's constant pardon and favor to us, while others see grace more completely as the power to forgive AND DELIVER.
God's Word has transformative power to change the depraved soul and transform him or her into a mighty warrior of good!
Never fail to dream for in the dreams that we embrace is the spirit that will give us awakening and productive in life. FIND PURPOSE, SERVE LIFE.
These are critical times that require us to always be on guard and yet optimistic, in balance. We will sense, see, pray, and say if mandated.
No greater love than His love for us.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Even though I am not an advocate for government to be the only owners of guns, had there not been a gun at the Zimmerman-Martin confrontation, both men may still be alived, one with a bloodied head, perhaps. Sad, sad, sad!
This is time for us to pray for the Martin family. This is nevertheless a very sad event, tragic and needless. We need to pray for all persons affected.
Really sad and mad . . . everybody needs to get out of this trial by media and emotions and allow for the rule of law . . .
Trust in the Lord with your whole heart and lean not unto your ownunderstanding. No matter what, trust in Him!
Now if only Eric Holder would have a meeting with the Black Panthers too . . oops, blame that one on Bush . .
Have a great day today . . . discern the times, live this day fully, and share truth and love to others . . . Amen!
A perspective of last night's American I results . . . food for thought . . .
A powerful witness for Christ on American I . .
Watch how every year there seems to be a Christ-witness on American I. Listen to this powerful song sung by Colton who was not ashamed of his faith.
Tonight on American I, Colton sang a Christian song that spoke to his devotion to following Christ. Those who watched cannot say they have not heard the Christ-message, both directly and subtly. Praying for Colton and other believers Season 11.
Tonight on American I, a tragedy occurred (smile). Colton is one of the best, excellent talent, artist, and his interpretation of his music and songs, tops! Sad to see him go, what a God-witness on stage.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

We cannot afford another four years of this kind of polarization. We do not need extreme leaders on either side of the divide. We need someone who will unite us with common values and renew the American spirit!
Three needed words today . . sense well, see for verification, and say to reinforce or challenge what disregards the common good. AY.
Leaders in church and politics need to be personally healed of their past and core beliefs and inner vows made of historical discomforts so they can lead without subtle ghosts driving the emotions. Leaders need to come to the table of influence with a clear conscience and a heart restored and ready to serve, reactive leadership is dangerous!
I listen carefully to political leaders who speak to us as people of this great nation and become troubled when I hear intuitively a hunger of power to the disregard of others. When we feel inferior, we have this intense need to be superior. Some leaders have a noticeably inferiority complex that becomes the basis of narcissism.
From the beginning of time, Lucifer wanted to be like God, to be number one, King of the Mountain (Isaiah 14:12-14). Today, power is the center of conflicts . . when we are not willing to be Godly, we want to be gods unto ourselves and our journey is filled with conflicted neuroses.
I love my country and I believe in democracy and dssent. But, one day while standing at the foot of the capitol building in Washingtion D.C., I heard God say to me, EVERY EVIL ACT HAS BEEN CONCEIVED HERE. I wept and prayed for our nation! God bless the United States of America.
For without faith, it is impossible to please God. (words of the Scriptures).
"I am the resurrection and the life . . ." (words of Jesus Christ).
"O ye, of little faith, when will you believe?" (adapted statement of Jesus Christ).
In the beginning, GOD CREATED THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH . . No matter what we sense, see, or say, GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL.
"The dream of yesterday, is the hope of today, and the reality of tomorrow" (quote source unknown).
There is no winner in war and no loser in peace (adapted statement by Lyndon Baines Johnson).
Some men see things as they are and ask, why . . I see things as they should be and ask, WHY NOT? (an adapted statement by Robert Kennedy)
Someone once said that this is a great country that even when we protect a person's right to burn our precious flag, America is based on the right of dissent and the government serving the people.
In a democracy like the United States, no branch of government nor political leader should even attempt to silence legitimate dissent. When we see leaders intimidating free speech or controlling it, we need to identify it.
There has to be a way that the emerging abuse of power is immediately identified and ceased. We need to be critically alert to principles of accountability and integrity.
I agree that there has to be gun control in our mad society, but I do not trust government to be the only ones with guns. Not wise.
Two things will show up today: good and not-so-good. What you focus on will be what will appear more. Focus on good!
Morning thoughts: Your harvest is coming, expect favor today.
Morning Thoughts: Early in the morning, fresh as newly brewed coffee, we need to pause and ask God to guide us today and give us a fruitful day.
Watch Roller Derby . . .
Watched American I tonight . . would not want to be a judge on that show, so many good qualities in each of the contestants. Rooting for Colton, Joshua, and Phillip. All great!
Yukkie event today . . all of my contacts on my cell phone disappeared and Mobi could not retrieve them. YIKES . . . most of my numbers were outdated anyway, people love to change numbers, bahumbug!
I pray to God that I can keep balance in my life: since my health issues, I have not easily been out with my children to dinners, trips, and recreations. Need to plan a family event, cherish those family times. Good memories!
I love my grandchildren . . . sometimes I feel I am too busy and do not want to miss interacting with my grandchildren as they grow up. I miss my adult children being little. Love those great memories.
My family is funny: Adrian, Chris, and Rachel are similiar in personality (assertive) . .Pamela, Paul, and Teri Lynn are analytical . . . imagine a family discussion. AI YA!
Chris, Rachel, and Kaimi are more like me (we make a lot of noise when we do something good, smile). Pam, Teri Lynn, and Paul are a like. They are like the energizer bunny. Even without notice, they are consistently doing.
What teacher comes early and hugs all of her students and treats them like they are all very special. I watch the children paint and I hear them read. Only 4-5 years old. I am amazed at Pamela's gifted service to God.
I observe people: my children are like me, we make a lot of noise when we serve God (smile). Pamela (wife, mother, grandmother) serves quietly and demands excellenc from her students. But, she gives as much as love as she teaches knowledge. Precious balance!
I thank God that when I hear the lower elementary students learning and see that Pamela (wife) is there loving them like a mother/grandmother and yet demanding excellence, the students feel safe with her. Thank God for the way she serves her God.
Sometimes when I think about Pamela (wife), I know she will receive greater rewards that some who make more noise for all they do. Pam does great things in quiet, the fruit speaks louder than her words. She serves quietly with profound results.
Glad God gave me a wife that loves children. I am so proud of Pam and the way she teaches lower elementary students, they're learning so much.
Kind of slow today . . not feeling well, could not sleep well last night, but expecting FAVOR!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

White House's lack of foresight . .
Do we cry or what? Are we naive or are we in trouble?
Opinion: some people prefer THE VOICE to American I, but while I like them both, I find American I this season simply outstanding . . excellent talents . . .
American I: Colton is the best on interpretation esp when playing the piano and singing, Jessica and Joshua are remarkable talents . . sad day when any one of these three leaves. Rooting for Colton's interpretation style of music, outstanding!
AmeCrican I: Colton is the best on interpretation of his music, Jessica is great on pitch and contemporary style, and Joshua is an outstanding talent. Colton has to win . . . hahaha.
I honestly believe our country is so divided that we need a centrist in office to keep our country from any further polarization! As long as one extreme goes unchallenged, the other extreme will manifest and we will see more in our country. We need a call to order without silencing dissent and a plea for due process, rule of law, and morality and fairness in leadership!
Americans on all sides of issues must advocate for the rule of law. This is a great nation. Read Dr. Alan Bloom's book, THE CLOSING OF THE AMERICAN MIND. We must pray for our nation today.
Alright, no matter what I think, I do pray for our government. We are all Americans and we must pray for our great nation and all of our leaders. We need leaders in Washington, not just politicians! Good politicians are in office, horrible leaders!
This may seem weird, but I am not an advocate for the "other party" not in power in the White House, I am troubled at all the talk and rhetoric and every time you ask our leader to give an account, he gives an excuse. Wow, not my kind of leader!
I know Obama inherited a horrible economy, but even if he did, his answer to that is more rhetoric to appeal to our hopes and dreams until you start asking how or how we will pay for it and suddenly, we are back to blaming the past and ignoring the question.
We have a leadeship gap in the White House . . .I need a President who will not only appeal to my dream of a better life but will detail how that will be without having to being consumed with the failures of the past. Obama was elected because many people disliked the previous direction and yet we are worse off now floundering in theory and rhetoric.
There is no question in my mind, inspite of the fact that I truly pray for all of our leaders, that we have an effective leader in the White House. That does not mean there is another around either, but this leader is not effective at all. What's the vision greater than the theory? Detail how, not just what!
We need a leader over our country and we do not have one . . anyone who keeps blaming the past has no vision to correct the past and take us into the promise of a future!
Huh? What? Ouch? Oops? Duh? We are brought from the dark to the light? Yikes, define dark, it's with soldiers posing with dead bodies, Secret Service agents going amuck, foolish spending in LV by government agency, extremes on both sides threatening one another, budget gone way more out of control . . we're in the light now? Whoa!!!
This is the kind of rhetoric that we need to avoid, but indicative of a perception or misconcepton of our need to protect ourselves, even from intrustive government. Gun sales are up even in Hawaii. We need an effective leader in the WH.
Online Apologetics Conference . . check this out, not endorsing . . . just check this out, may be interesting. . .
Black Panthers can call for the capture of Zimmerman "dead or alive" and White House is mute and then a former rock start talks about chopping their heads in November as a "figure of speech" and the Secret Service is now investigating.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I believe in free speech, but imagine if a white man said that of anothe race, ALL HELL WOULD BREAK LOOSE and a quiet White House would become very self-righteous at that point. Yikes.
Leadership: there is a leadership gap in our country currently . . . I can tell when there is no leadership, when "blame others" is the only response you get in the culture of accountability and measured progress. Robert Kennedy said something like: I see as things should be and say, WHY NOT! Now, that's leadership!
For the sake of our children, children's children, their children's children, we must not make decisions today for us alone, but know what impacts them. Current government has no long-term vision, decisions made today barely helps today but will definitely hurt the future.
Deception in politics and leadership are at an all-time high. Even when the obvious is seen, many will choose to spin it otherwise until it is too late when lessons learned still mean error must live long enough to die its own death. Wake up, speak up, pray up!
The springing of out-of-control behaviors in government as of late testifies to trouble of the inner core of leadership. We need to pray for our leaders. We lack leadership in our country, politicians are running our country, not leaders!
Many of us sense something, but we need to then "see what we sense" objectively. Others sense and see, but they will not say. In some things as leaders, when we sense, we verify and see, and what we, we may have to say even if it is unpopular.
Leadership: It is commendable to be highly productive and successful in leadership, but in the end of the leadership journey, character is the greatest achievement. AY.
Leadership; there are some who want to be leaders in the church, but they are untrained and untested and therefore very vulnerable and dangerous. Cannot build on no foundation!
Leadership: when leaders are facilitated to a permission-granting culture, they need to never forget from which they came, loyalty lost is leadership awry. AY.
Leadership: leaders need to transition from star quarterback to coach and make room for new leaders to flex their muscles. AY

Monday, April 16, 2012

Former Derby all star, Judy Arnold, preaching powerfully at His Highest Praise Honolulu.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Not funny . . .
Yikes. . .
Is this alarming or what?
Have a wonderful day. . . blessings are being released to you . . .
Every night, the earth goes to sleep and every morning, the earth awakens . . and through it all, HE NEVER SLUMBERS NOR SLEEPS. The All-Awakening Eye protects the earth, our God reigns forevermore. No other power close to His!
"I hear the birds singing outside my home, welcoming the fresh morning air, I know the night had its casualties and men who plan evil did their work, but the morning is here . . I see God still on His throne, readying His final response and then . . " AY
"I see the dawn of a night drawn out . . I hear the morning birds singing . . . the darkness of midnight is now fleeting away and the rising sun gently rises into the morning sky." AY
"Lord, pour out the Holy Spirit upon all people . . . If evil must come before good finally triumphs, shorten those evil days and quicken the day of your return."
"Lord, take care of every breathingn life and show Yourself to each person on this planet. Reveal Yourself to us . . . we need you now more than ever. Bless our earth and forgive us all!"
Early in the morning, God is saying, PUT ON THE WHOLE ARMOR . . prepare for warfare, but stay in worship and revival. Expecting a God-move today at church!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Former Roller Derby star, Judy Arnold, will be preaching at His Highest Praise Honolulu, this Sunday, at 6 p.m. See you there, 423 Kamake'e Street, Honolulu!
Funny: I heard a beautiful "female voice" singing behind me in church one day, so impressed that I said from the pulpit later, there was a great high women's voice behind me and when the people looked, there were only men there. YIKES!
Funny: in a debate, one of my better debaters in high school said, IN OUR GREAT NATION OF FIFTY-ONE STATES . . and I almost fell off my chair laughing but I knew she's be hurt so I kept a straight face, cracking up inside!
Funny: once I tried to push the chair in for a friend and that person thought it was in its original place and he mis-sat and fell . . and I pretended to look shocked!
Funny: have you sat on a tac and yelped in a quiet meeting full of people?
Have you laughed at a very fat person only to realize that he or she is laughing at you as well. O, Brother, go eat a fly in a salad, smile!
If you have an enemy you are rightfully angry with this morning, think a good thought his or her way and bless and not curse and watch your enemy get the "runs" (ouch) . . . smile!
The flesh is weak . . . blah, blah, blah . . gotcha, but, but, but . . HIS SPIRIT IS STRONG, STRONG, STRONG. Live in the complete sentence, smile!
As many concerns I have about our great nation and the political leaders who are leading us now, we must pray more than ever. WE NEED A MAJOR REVIVAL that will sweep throught the White House and Congress!!! Hallelujah!
Acts 1 says, AFTER JESUS SUFFERED, HE AROSE FROM THE GRAVE AND WENT ABOUT SHOWING PROOF. Get through your night season so you can testify of God's FAVOR!
Many of us are too busy. Thank God for work and calling, but the first is to know and love God before we serve and love others. But, never be so busy that loving God, self, and others become a chore and a duty!
Fear can be crippling, anger can be overtaking, and bitterness can ruin a life. . . but the fruit of the Spirit includes emotions that God wants us to have . . . love, joy, peace . . . and the more!
Listen to the lonely heart for it will speak in time. A person must first know who he or she is and accept the love that God has for him or her before he or she can love others in balance and with intimacy.
Always pray for God to show you what is really happening and the faith to know that God is always in control. Yet, what we see may demand that we pray for things to be otherwise and faith to keep moving in a world in turmoil.
One of my favorite times of the day is early morning when the morning air is fresh and life is just stirring . . . Start every day a fresh, live life to the fullest!
An exciting "inner healing" seminar today at His Highest Praise Honolulu. All is invited . . 9 a.m.-3:00 p.m. . . . It's called THE ROOTS SEMINAR . . dealing with forgiveness.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Guns need to be out of the hands of those who will use them for evil, but that does not mean everybody on earth except for our government. Sorry, no one alone should be armed, no one, not just government, to be sure.
There is a strong spirit of compromise in our families today, we are so bombarded with alluring options that we are adjusting our minds to accept admixture as inevitably part of our reality. Pray for a life principled in truth!
Fathers and mothers are like tribal leaders of the family and they need to speak to their children and loved ones and challenge them to follow God's Word and pray. Simple things move mountains!
I am impressed with Trayvon's mother and the family lawyer . . . she called for calm and has a deep faith in God. . . We keep praying for calm!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

First threat: arrest him . . New threat: convict him . . That's the new American due process. Yikes! Not saying he's innocent, but scary at this level of emotions. . .
Where's the Obama or Senate Budget Proposal?

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A miracle . . and then scary . . .
Watch this horror, if the color of skin was in reverse, the world will be in outrage today. Watch this horror! Where's the outrage? Where is Mr. Sharpton now? Silent!!!!! Obama? Silent . . . .
Take the time today to count your blessings and suddenly you will find the need to share your blessings to others too. AY.
Say to a friend, I APPRECIATE YOU . . do not wait until they die and cry ove their grave . . . while they are alive, cherish friendship.
Some people learn some and thin they know enough and if you listen to them, they not only say the same things but they think they hear the same things. The more we learn, the more we realize dimensions of learning. BE A LEANER, BE A LEADER.
Good learning leads to good leadings. Good leaders are good learners too!
When liberals are writing the school books, controlling curricula of the school, and manipulating the media presentaton of the new (i.e. doctoring the Zimmerman 911 call), our country is at risk. God is raising up prophets to speak truth to power!
We have great reason to be concerned about the political manipulation of much of our modern media. Instead of reporting the news, they are deciding how to manipulate us into a certain reaction. Develop critical thinking skills, urgent!
Racism is not dead in our great nation, it has gone undercover or sometimes changed hands and faces, but racism is still alive. Government can't eradicate injustice, only a God-revival can do that. We need God.
Racism is evil and wrong. No one can have the heart of God and not have the love of God to promote and prefer others and their wellbeing. Share Jesus. AY.
Real revival affects life and the motives of the heart. When we are touched by God, we are transformed from the inside core to the outside life. AY
Manipulation and intimidation are at an all-time high in communkcations. Where are the honest hearts who tell the truth without manipulating the outcomes for selfish gains?
Even when we disagree, we must always insist on the right of others to speak, except when they speak to silence all other voices!
There is a lack of sacrificial and principled leadership in the home and nation . . . raise up your children to be sacrificial and principled people and they will be leaders we need.
Take the time today to do a good deed for someone. Life is precious but still is like a vapor. Cherish people while they are around you.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Have faith in God!
No place for the spiritual dead . . . GET ON FIRE WITH GOD . . . LIVE IN THE SPIRIT OF REVIVAL and confused the spirits of the endtimes. POWER!
Miracles are stirring . . . tested first and then blessed with supernatural miracles!
Live in the Yes Side of God.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Is the FBI paranoid too like all of us supposed conspiracy theorists. Discount what others say by labeling them . . ouch!
Love one another . .
We have not evolved to a better place when we are still retaliating and applying the law selectively either for or against a people based on color or ethnicity. Holder and Obama need to speak up and bring both sides to calm. Allow a problem to escalate to implement extensive government at some point. Hope I am wrong.
I do not disagree with President Obama because of his race (that basis would be wrong), but because of his policies . . pls do not attach all disagreements to race and ignore the validity of his policies.
Obama wants the Supreme Court to exercise restraint while he does not restrain himself . . the growing imbalance of the executive branch using psychological leverage to re-think checks and balances.
Ouch, Mr. Eric Holder, ouch!!!!
Have a great day today . . . love my Monday School of Leadership and then on to lifecoaching training . . .
There is a Marriage Supper of the Lamb and the Bride must make herself ready. Thank God for grace, but not grace that makes us lazy and indifferent, but grace that is greater than our flesh and prepares us unto the image of His dear Son. Love you all!
It may seem strange, but the sinner on the street will have more mercy than the believer who knows the light but walks deliberately in rebellion. No wonder the Marriage Feast will include the people from the highways and byways of life. No wonder!
There is not a friend like the lowly Jesus, no not one, no not one . . (lyrics to a song).
In Revelation 2 and 3, Jesus is speaking to leadership (and unto the angel of . . ) and then to the church, exposing weakness, commending strength. Positive is encouraging, but full truth is what we need . . the exposure and the commendation from Jesus!
The prophetic voice is being heard today amidst those who would want us to focus on "everything will be alright." While it is true, in the end, it will all be alright, this immediate statement is creating a passive or undiscerning yet busy and highly successful church. HE WHO HAS AN EAR, HEAR!
There is a leadership gap in the world and church. A lot of acting on stage, but what is said to us is not believed in the heart. The masks are worn and only those who are led by the Spirit will discern the deception. Others will sleep until the Man of Sin is revealed and then it will be too late because of their lack of restraining power!
I sense in my spirit that we are being betrayed by leaders who should be protecting us and our national interest. My spirit is on high alert and grieving, but the prophetic word often preceeds the manifestations and are disbelieved even by people who should already be discerning.
No question in my mind that evil is on the hunt in our world, that nations are bound by the wicked one, but God is not passively watching. BEHOLD, THE LORD IS COMING SOON. The question is, ARE WE READY?
And because He lives, I can face tomorrow.
I know that my Redeemer liveth and I am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed against that day . . .(adaptation of Job).
It is one thing to feel abandoned by God and even the church, but God sometimes allows us to go through the night season like Jesus on Passion Week so that we learn to trust and love unconditionally, even of Him. Have you ever learned to love God even when disappointed?
We cannot imagine our night season (like the Passion Week of Jesus) without knowing of the certainty of our resurrection (the third day). Every suffering has an endpoint met only by victory and resurrection. If you are in a night season, see your day of victory!
Jesus suffered, died on the Cross, was burried, and then was resurrected on the third day. The components to the night season for all of us . . discomfort, disapointment, pain, hurt, abandonment, rejection, loneliness . . and then comes the third day! Call on your third day!
While on the Cross, Jesus felt like God had forsaken Him . . . in our night season, sometimes God is silent and seemingly distant, but have no fear, your third day is coming when all will be vindicated! RESURRECTION IS COMING FOR YOU.
No greater love than for a man to lay down his life for another, no greater love . . . Thank you, Jesus, for laying down your life for us, all of us, bar none!
That Sacred Weekend in which Jesus bled and died for us, He did not die in vain. You and I are walking evidence that what He did 2,000 years ago are still impacting our world . . . we are followers of the SON OF MAN.
I was glad that I had the opportunity to think about the suffering and agony of Jesus while going to the Cross and then on the Cross. When I think about what He did for us, I wonder why we are struggling serving Him in Spirit and Truth out of gratitude and worship!
In the struggle of Jesus Christ on that Sacred Weekend, His humanity was "evident." Even when He felt the Father had forsaken Him, He still said, INTO THY HANDS I COMMEND MY SPIRIT. Ever trusted God when you could not understand Him?
On that Sacred Weekend, others came out of the grave beside Jesus. In fact, they may have come out of the grave before He did. No greater love to die for us and then to let others resurrect before His third day experience. No greater love!
On the day Jesus hung on the Cross, it was the religous crowd who did not know who He really was and it was His own who insisted on His death. The church needs to learn that lesson in history and make sure it is keeps the true Christ front and center.
On the day He hung on the Cross, it was a criminal who first got saved and it was a criminal who said, HE IS INNOCENT. No wonder there is a place in God's heart for the warfaring! He loves us!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

One extreme group will excite another extreme group, so what we need today is real leadership in Washington D.C. calming us before they use the law to deal with an out-of-control situation . . .
It is in the nature of man to abuse power when power is unchallenged. It would be worse when government goes unchecked.
Where is Obama's leadership . . speak to the issue of racism on all sides . . .this has to stop . . Racism is evil . . .
Obama better address the Black Panthers before countergroups emerge . . .setting the stage for new laws to control populations . .
Join us at His Highest Praise. . Sunrise at 6 a.m., Breakfast to follow ($5), and Easter Service at 9:30 am.: THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST. . . 423 Kamake'e Street, Honolulu.
All for an election . . . for real, kind?

Friday, April 6, 2012

Why we need to pray . . .
Telling his story and journey . . .
Be not asha to share the Gospel Message . . .
Happy Good Friday, friends . . .
Two reasons why you are being tested . . God tests the people He trains and those He will appoint to a calling that requires endurance.
One of the things I have taught my children is how to serve God in humility and when there is someone who abandons the faith, my children tend to wonder where they have failed when in reality, people will sow what they reap.
He giveth peace to those whose mind is stayed on Him. There is a real hard-to-see difference between the Mind of Christ and the carnal mind with a religious spirit. Thank God for those of you who live the difference, more than just knowing the difference.
Happy Good Friday, friends.
Happy Good Friday, friends . . .
The way of Christ is hard and difficult. Anyone who tries to simplify the journey by removing the Cross is denying the power thereof. The preaching of the Cross is foolishness to many, but it is power to those who have been saved by it.
When I sense a burden or exuberant joy, the Holy Spirit oftentimes prays in His own language and with that, the Spirit gives the understanding also. The Spirit is always scanning us so we are at FULL FUNCTION in these endtimes. REVIVAL!
And when the Holy Spirit is come upon you, you will be MY WITNESSES to all the world (Acts 1:8). . . now, BE FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT!
Make no mistake . . when the dark comes, the radiant light shines even more brightly. Choose to live in the REVIVAL OF THE SPIRIT to counter the apostasy of the times! GET ON FIRE, STAY ON FIRE, SHARE THE FIRE!
Even now are there many antichrists who have gone out from among us. . . they left because they were not part of us . . . two negative spirits: either they are fleeing or hiding . . . all exposed in due time. THEN GOD . .
No matter how busy we get nor how precious things are, there is a vigilant side of our walk, redeeming the times, for some things are going to change to expedite the end. And then, BEHOLD!
Discerners are sensing something in the atmosphere. Although we are not sure, we are sure that even if it is happening in the dark, it is destined to be brought to light . . . and then, we will mark this day.
It is so important for us to have a life of prayer and to put prayer shields over our loved ones and ourselves. There is a shifting going on that will produce another sifting. Something is stirring on the earth of major proportions.
We ought to be praying that God would respond to Chavez in a way that will transform his life . . .pray for his true salvation and change of heart.
The more people put down Tebow for his open confession of faith, the more God blesses him as he remains humble before God.
Join us at The Good Friday service at His Highest Praise Honolulu, 423 Kamake's Street, in Honolulu tonight at 7 p.m.
The question: Can we sit with you, Jesus, on your right or left side? Jesus said, can you suffer like me? Arrogance said, OF COURSE, Jesus said, Anyway, it's not for me to give that to you, it's the Father. The Father elects and chooses our position in Heaven while we are given the opportunity to accept Him as Savior. Open to all, chosen by God for purpose and placement in calling.
Those who have the Mind of Christ will not be understood by those who have a carnal mind or a religious spirit. Be okay with walking to the doubt of others but to the certainty of faith, be okay, O Mind of Christ!
This weekend, there are three events. . . death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. For the believer, the "burial" part is hard. It's one thing to give much for others (death) or to finally experience fruitfulness and appreciation, it's another thing to live in the intermittent transition (burial) before the victory comes. WAIT IN THE BURIAL STAGE.
Jesus died, was buried, and on the third day, He arose from the dead and grave. Some of us are somewhere there . . we need to die to self, allow ourselves the separation of a quiet place where we go unnoticed for the purpose of growth, before we enjoy FULL POWER AND RESURRECTION IN LIFE.
The preaching of the Cross is foolishness to those who perish, but to those who believe, it is power. Power not only to save our souls, forgive us from our sins, but also to set us free so we can live on higher ground!
Jesus did not just die, He suffered. When He prayed, IF IT BE POSSIBLE, LET HIS CUP PASS, then He said, NEVER THE LESS, IT'S YOUR WILL, FATHER. We serve a God who gave us nothing less so that we can be everything more!
As we choose to set aside this weekend as the Sacred Weekend, we thank the Lord for dying on the Cross for our sins so we may be brought from darkness to light, once blind now seeing!
There is a lot of hype in the church today that arouses human emotions, but spiritual disicpline is lacking as people tend to remain unchanged while attending church. Grace that saves is grace that sanctifies!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

We need discerners in the churches today, too many people prefer to sleep than to be awake. Much is happening, have no fear, the Bride is being made ready for the rapture.
Thy Word is a lamp unto my path and a light unto my walk. (Scripture)
There has to be more prophetic voices speaking in our churches. Easy believism won't cut it today. Church that pacify people will keep believers unprepared for the inevitable warfare that is coming. VICTORY DRAWETH NIGH.
No matter what happens in our nation or world, we must be in touch with God and in tune with His Spirit. Orders are coming soon, pray for our great nation and pray for human life. Value one another.
Pray for revival for your families that God will do special things for all the special people of your lives. BELIEVE AND EXPECT!
The easiest thing to do to discount those who see prophetically is to call them paranoid and conspiracy theorists while error mounts the horses. No room for imagination nor unkind hate, but discerment has to be borne if restraint will be restored.
Where are the discerners, the historians, the readers and observers of the times? When allies are being reprimanded and secret promises are made to those who are not yet trustworthy? Open up your eyes, those who sleep will be first to wonder when things unfold.
The prophetic heart is grieved, some say things are inevitable so they go to sleep and leave things alone, I say that we must value our democracy and vote for one who also will stand for less government. One man alone should not lead nor a government become too intrusive, only the beginning of trouble.
We need to hate hate and despise racism, but voting for someone on that basis should not be a reason why we see too much or not see enough. VOTE WITH YOUR EYES WIDE OPEN, CONNECT THE DOTS.
Vote with your eyes wide open . . . connect the dots . . . all these slip ups are not the hunts of racists people only, some non-racists need to open up their eyes . . . nice disguise, spinners work too hard to keep things covered up. Paranoia, they say?

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A glimpse of a leader and his unconscious mind and motive, now spun by those who want to keep the real person in hiding . . .
The harbingers are wailing . . an ego gone rogue . . clarifying the words of a President whose view of government is based on his peceived significance.
Watch with horror . . . hmmm . .
NBC putting the Zimmerman situation in a certain political frame . . how evil is that . . enough evil already, why add to it.
Fifth Circuit Court Judge somewhat responds to Obama . . . yippee . . .

Monday, April 2, 2012

The President's ego at work . . fragile and self-absorbed "warning" the Supreme Court. An inferiority complex emerging as an ego, depression pending. Pray . .
Leadership: we dealt with attachment issues and why leaders need to experience spiritual healing so they can lead as servant examples.
Had an excellent class today with my Monday School of Leadership . . life coaching and leadership pitfalls on attachment issues.
Many people have much to say about leadership when they themselves have not been leaders in a voluntary organization like a church. Lead through passion, motivation, zeal, and love for God.
A person with disorganized attachment believes that he/she is worthy of love, but unable to get that love from others. Justifies insulation and isolation as a leader.
Avoidant attachment focuses on the control of others, a person who keeps feelings buried, and maintains distance in relationships. (adapted from Joshua Straub).
One of the more important aspect of a leader is his or her ability to attach to others correctly. Leaders with attachment issues can ruin the lives of people who want to trust leadership.
In the book of Job it states, WHO ARE WE TO QUESTION GOD OR BRING AN ACCUSATION TO HIM? If you do not understand God, assume you lack the understanding and do not immediately hold Him accountable to your thinking.
When I was part of a denomination, I heard a lot of negative comments about the past church. Even if the past was lacking, their lack has become my lessons and I honor their passion!
I thank God for the older leaders in my church. I value them, even if some think they are outdated, I seek for their wisdom.
A research shows that saying "THANK YOU" can ease an intimidating boss . . learn to consult and appreciate the elderly in your church, they need to know you value them so they can support you.
Solomon asked for wisdom, wisdom is "a heart that can hear."

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Wow, say THANK YOU may cool down a mean boss . . ai ya, say it on Monday . .
When oppressed people are set free, too often another form of oppression comes to them. Some people will take advantage and exploit the disadvantaged with their own version of power and takeover. Watch for that!
Obama said, MUBARAK, YOU MUST GO . . and now . . . hmmmm . . . America's political inexperience.
The same Jesus who died on the Cross knew He was going to live again on the third day. Do not focus only on your cross, live for the third day of your victory. IT'S COMING!
Luke 24 . . . Jesus suffered but on the third day, He arose. When we are in a stressful place, keep pushing to your third day. VICTORY IS COMING.
God gives us every opportunity to turn from our self-destructive ways to His plan and purpose. If wrong exists, it's here by choice. Thru Him, we need not live in wrong any longer.
Why is there so much evil without a God-intervention? When God created us, He put Himself at risk by allowing us to act independent of Him.
To no disrespect to God, but we have expectations of God that may disappoint us until we learn that no matter what, WE KNOW HE DOES ALL THINGS WELL.
Have you ever had to wrestle with the "ugly side" of God? If God is, then why this or that? A new trust is required in order to love Him unconditionally.
Sermon preached today, True Pentecost, Part 2
Men and women need to appreciate their distinctive differences . . .
Any wonder why Zimmerman is only identified as white? Read this article . . .