Saturday, March 31, 2012

Study the Constitution with Hillsdale College, free . .
Watch Epstein and Yoo on Supreme Court and Obamacare . .
Why we need to pray.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Sometimes we see of others yet they see not of themselves and when we see, it should lead to prayer and an intercessory heart . . love enough to pray truth, be kind but find a door to share truth from the heart.
What a week for the President.
Have a great day today . . . may God lift you, beathe peace to your soul, health to your body, and vision to your thoughts and mind. Live today in the joy of opportunity and find a person to impart good to . . . be you, love God, embrace people. Do much but love more! AY
"Pray for God to change our political leaders from serving themselves to serving the people . . . from making decisions for their own political gain, putting our nation at risk, promising to betray friends so solicit favors from enemies. Pray for our leaders . . compromise in society and sadly even in the church."
"When you know Jesus as your Savior, you need to yield to His Lordship so that your thoughts are no longer what guide you, but His Word, Mind, Heart, and Spirit. Many Christians are living in conflict within themselves, BE ONE IN CHRIST, FOLLOW TRUTH." AY
"When you have a reason to hate, love instead. When you have a reason to be sad, be happy instead. When you have a reason to run and hide, be bold and stand strong. Be what the forces want you others. Live in God's power, be you!" AY
"Vision and dreams are something Satan has lost forever. He is only here by permission, doing his assignment by his own fall and volition. But, you are not like him. Wake up, dream dreams and live vision. Be what he can never be again, be you, vision! AY
"Look at the family God has given you, cherish them for they are assigned to your heart here on earth, hopefully your friends in eternity. Start the journey, know their hearts and souls, you'll meet them again." AY
"There are right now spirits roaming the earth, unseen to most, overseen by some, seen necesarily by those who are destined to face them as they lodge themselves within the human fabric." AY
"Love is deep, but loyalty is deeper. Some call love which is not love at all, love without loyalty is not enough kind of love. Love never fails, loyal til death." AY
"Who can count the stars by He who made them, who can know the man but He who created him . . why then would we not want to know Him who knows us. Any wonder confusion rans rampant in a world of knowing yet God is not our quest" AY
"Some say that emotions are unreliable, but what's unreliable is the way we release our emotions. Emotions are the life that give us meaning that connect us to life in a world of matter." AY
"Deep inside the soul is a secret place carved within us, a place where we can hear intuitively, thoughts that live without words, feelings greater than emotions, where life was first form on that quiet day of creation." AY
"When the sun sets at night, the thoughts of the mind are able to hear themselves, ponder is the friend with whom we sleep until the day breaks and journey starts again." AY
"When the morning comes, the night has drawn away, another day . . . vision greets us, moving us along to the purpose of why we are here." AY

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Limbaugh, be wise and watch how you talk.
I can hear my beloved President Obama saying, MUBARAK, YOU MUST GO . . wow, sounds Reagan at Berlin. Yikes!
We ought to hate hate crimes, but somebody pls give Maxine a psych eval? Please . . .
No matter how others spin this, Obama really needs a politco-spiritual makeover. Scolds Israel, encourages Mubarak to leave, now Egypt is moving anti-Israel, promising to flex with Russia, perhaps putting Poland at risk. OMG!!!!
A government that governs least governs best, as is said. But, a nation without guiding principles will demand an encroaching government. AY.
I consider myself a conservative, but sometimes I think conservatives can be very selfish and liberals freaky worse. Yikes, what am I saying? Smile!
As a person who has had many illnesses in recent years, I know we need healthcare and medical insurance reforms. But, radicalism impacts this current law, not for this law as is.
We need to pray for wisdom in the Supreme Court ruling on affordable healthcare currently discussed.
In my Father's House are many mansions . .
What's up?

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Audio transcript of second day of affordable health care hearing-Supreme Court.
Watch this . . second day:

Monday, March 26, 2012

We need honest men in law enforcement to deal with the Zimmerman and Trayvon situation and not extremists on both sides of the issue.
Thank God for completing grace . . now unto Him who is able to keep us from falling and to present us faultless before God (Jude 1:24).
Thank God for sustaining grace that teaches us how to abide in Christ.
Thank God for saving grace that transitions us from fallen state to a place of glorious redemption.
Thank God for convicting grace that takes the sinner and brings him or her into a place of awareness and conviction, realizing our need for Christ.
Thank God for awakening grace so that while we were sinners, the Holy Spirit quicked us to the opportunity.
As a clinician and pastor, I work with quality assessment and I see many religious people bound quietly, suffering in silence, because the church no longer demands transparency.
Every spiritual leader should desire to maximize influence and results, but the truth cannot be adjusted. God gave us a Word that can stand alone without our needing to repackage it.
Admittingly, some churches are brutal and unkind to people who need to drink milk and cannot eat meat so there is validity to knowing how much to say, but the Word will not return void. SAY THAT!
Apostle Paul says the god of this age has blinded the people. Lite gospel churches assume that by repackaging the Word, they will get more people. Great, more in the buildings, more in truth?
Luke 24: Jesus opened up their minds so they could understand the Word . . . lite gospel churches prefer to change the Word rather than the people who need to understand the truth and be set free.
Luke 24 says, AND JESUS OPENED UP THEIR MINDS SO THEY COULD UNDERSTAND THE SCRIPTURES. We do not need to change the Word, we need to pray for unnderstanding.
Lite gospel churches assume that the Word written has to be re-packaged for the sensitive seeker. What an indictment against God who gave us the perfect Word.
Stand up for what you believe and so by respecting others when they do too. Pray for truth.
Whether Christian or otherwise, I like a person of faith who stands up and stands up unimposingly. Go, Tebow . .
Ai ya . . overweight people stay happy when they age . . smile . . check this out:
41 persons were baptized in water on Sunday, March 25, 2012 at Ala Moana Beach from His Highest Praise.
Do men tend to respond more aggressively to stress than women? Check this out .
Brain size speaks to our ability to keep many friends? Check this out . .
Read this . . skaters training change some brain structure at
Obama's number one priority: self . . check out
Read the first day of arguments on the Supreme Court hearings on constitutionality of the Obama Healthcare Law . .