Saturday, June 30, 2012

Another way to look at Roberts' vote . .
What's so funny, Chief Justice, when this nation is so divided over this.
Any reason why the AG has to fuel the Republican politics? Go give the documents!
It's Romney's fault for unpopular health care today, Obama gets the credit now that Court's approved. Yikes!

Friday, June 29, 2012
America's divided on Obamacare . .
I like Roberts, but what's so funny about this, Chief Justice . . . a nation is divded, find little humor in Thursday's decision even if we need reform.
Rumbings under the earth in San Diego . .

Monday, June 25, 2012

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Did Obama not know Muslin Brotherhood would grab the power?
The greater evil is the silence of others . . .

Monday, June 18, 2012

Sunday, June 17, 2012

To all the fathers in the world: THE LORD IS WITH YOU, MIGHTY WARRIOR. Judges 6:12.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

When Obama said, MUBARAK, YOU MUST GO, he had no clue the Muslim Brotherhood would be the replacement. Did he?
Obama wants us to debate same sex marriage, children of undocumented people, so we do not discuss his record on the economy.
Obama's administration is planning on side-swiping the Supreme Court decision with another drastic internal executive order to take away the sting in case.
Obama's schemes: evolve on same sex, suddenly evolve on young "illegal aliens," advocate for legalization of marijuana, and replace Biden with Clinton . .

Friday, June 15, 2012

Sidetracking the issue, controversy festered, stuck on race, scoring points with another voting block indirectly.
All on election year . . evolving, another word for "manipulating."
These outbursts from here to Congress is due to the insult of a President playing the hearts of the people, mere seduction and political, tragic!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

We have a leadership in the highest office in the United States.
Whatever happened to the liberal view of diversity, plurality, and tolerance. Hmmmm.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Too many followers in this world, not enough authentic and true leaders. BE A TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADER!
Cherish the moments, value and honor your loved ones,and always be true and faithful. No shame in being different from this world!
Stand up for the truth. Purpose based on principle and passion by conviction!
Has God ever wiped away your tears and put a smile on your face? He's right there with you.
When you can't go any further, pause and wait. God cannot lie, He will always be there. Wait on His timing!
If you listen and clear your mind, He will speak back to you when you pray. Too much chatter hinders hearing. LISTEN!
This cannot be just about color and race, cannot. This election must be on issues. Not because he's Mormon, not because he's from Hawaii.
She's weird.
The earth, guilty or innocent, needs to repent. We need revival on the whole earth.
Careless or deliberate, economies wrecked to bring about the new world order.
I like the way Ari answered Chris Matthews . . .

Friday, June 8, 2012

Obama needs to listen to his supporters, catch this.
The hypocrisy of the left making claiming justice for all, except for those they disagree with.
This has to stop . . this is evil. . .
Just because I strongly oppose the lack of leadership in our current President does not mean that I stop praying for him. Pray for our President!
When I was studying political science and public policy, all too often the people calling for redistribution of power evolved out of that belief once the power was consolidated to them, DO NOT TRUST BIG GOVERNMENT.
I think all of us should be respectful of a position we strongly disagree with, but when there is nothing on the other side except rhetoric, no wonder politics is at an all-time low.
If I were a liberal, I still could not vote for President Obama, because most of the time, he's on stage. I need a leader, not an actor!
Even when I disagreed with Bill Clinton, I at least appreciated the fact that he could articulate in substance what he was saying so that there was a clear substantive debate to follow. When Obama speaks, I say, HUH? WHAT? YOU'RE EVOLVING AGAIN? No baseline, in too early, we need a leader, the real kind!
I watch Meet the Press because I infrequently see a decent discussion on the issues fairly represented by contrasts of substance, but Obama's radical left and the radical right make discussions impossible. Obama's team Chicago-style, change promised, false hope. DSYFUNCTIONAL!
What we see in Washington is an indication to what is going on in American education. The schools need to produce critically thinking people who understand what our democracy is all about, truly the greatest nation ever.
There is no question in my mind that Washington D.C. is dysfunctional, not because of the infrastructure of our federal system, but the dysfunctional people that fill these positions. Not all, but enough and too many for these times.
Some Republican leaders in Congress look like "old men" struggling to think and talk while the White House has a party and Hollywood actor, hoping to be a Reagan incarnate. Yikes! LEADERSHIP GAP, THAT'S OUR CHALLENGE TODAY!
Maybe "they" will make Hilliary the VP for Obama . . check out the stir with hubby Bill, now he's a leader, like him or not.
Liberals are confused about Obama because he's constantly evolving so he claims. The real O is still an imagination in the minds of others, that's the story!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Is politcal debate good for our democracy?
Another attack or another secret untold?

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Even when I disagreed with Clinton, he at least made some sense and had substance . .

Monday, June 4, 2012

Watch this exchange . . .
Who will monitor the DOJ? Heehee hee hee.
What a mighty God we serve!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Even liberals are appalled . . .
Bill Clinton's comments.
Evolving Obama now with a kill list. . . go read, go figure!
A hope for those with cancer . . .

Friday, June 1, 2012

Many years ago, I heard this: will the real Mr. Obama please stand up. Evolving? No, coming out!