Saturday, September 3, 2011

Know Your Enemy!

Aloha, Friends:

What a year of revelation!!! God knows what He is doing . .. things revealed not unto the wise and prudent, but unto the babes in Christ. So while pride is in the religious, the spiritual serves God in humility and holiness.

From the beginning of this year, God began to shift our teachings . . . in our Monday School of Leadership and Tuesday Bible College, God began to stir up the revelation of divine impartation. As a Bible-based church, we are well aware of how false teachings and counterfeit doctrines co-exist in the churches today, but God has clarified some of these ambiguities and called us to a strong endtime emphasis.

God is beginning to fine-tune the understanding of the Bride of Christ, not an elite of cultism, but those who press toward the mark and the prize of the high calling which is found in Christ Jesus (Philippians). In the emphasis of the new year, we began to teach on the covenant of Abraham and the chosen people, not only of literal Israel and the precious body of Jesus Christ, but also of those who respond to the high calling of Jesus and who desire to walk more intimately with Him.

One day, a former special forces person, now a student in my class, spoke up about special forces training and mindset in the military, and those of us who were in the Monday School of Leadership witnessed the anointing of the Holy Spirit to stir up the hunger of people to draw closer to God.

Throughout the first part of this year, we began to teach impartation. We began to learn of the value of spiritual transference, the laying on of hands, and the cry of the believer for the Kingdom of God . . . to learn what it is to be born of water and of Spirit . . . to be born of Truth and the Spirit (John 4:24) so we can walk in the balance of clarity and understanding.

When some of us went to New Zealand and the Philippines, God began to confirm His Word and great signs and wonders, tremendous works of grace in the inner heart took place, demonstrating to us the glory of God that is calling out the Bride of Jesus Christ to make herself ready for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

God began to show me a more comprehensive understanding of what He is requiring of those who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit.

Whether it was on Sunday morning, Monday School, Tuesday Bible college, or ministries throughout the week, God was focusing us on the way more perfectly and the more excellent way of love.

Here is a brief summary of a few points that linger in my spirit even uas of today typing this posting.

Judges 2 . . . God showed us that many of us need to do two things . . . first, come out of Egypt . . . churches are full of compromise today . . . not because of personal taste, but because of a desire to be like the world so our testimony does not bring us into a demand of separation. This notion that God is love and full of grace which then allows for people to do their own thing and live in defiance and rebellion against God is a spirit of licentiousness and offends the blood of Jesus that does more than tolerate our humanity but provides us a way of escape from every temptation. People teach grace in order to excuse sin, but God does not. The Bible says that if we conceal our sins, we will not prosper . . . we must confess, renounce, and change our ways not through our fragile good works of which are only filthy rages to God, but by the power of Jesus Christ and the Cross. There has been an insult to the doctrine of grace as it has become a psychological tool of enabling people to live in sin while playing church . . . coming in a form of Godliness but denying the transformative power of God. We need to come out of Egypt.

Yet, in Judges 2, it says more. . . tear down the altars of the Canaanites when you enter into the Promised Land. Many of us fail to understand that these altars are not ours, they are the altars of others.

Some people tell me . . . I just like it, Dr. Yuen, it's not because I am wanting to be like the world . . . but we are to tear down the altars that others have built.

When I see the world following a fad, a Hollywood move star, a freaky entertainer, or worldly designs, even if I personally like things that happen to look like what others like . . . when I discern that it has become an altar to someone else, I know I am to tear down that altar.

Even when I am watching American I and people begin to adore these singers or when a worldly entertainer is performing and while the music may be classical and even decently appealing to the art and blessing of music, when I see that it has become an altar to others especially at a discerningly significant level, I am called to tear that down.

When you become a believer, you do not follow after the things of this world.

Unless we are uncluttered, we cannot hear the voice of the Spirit in these endtimes.

The book of Hebrews says that we cannot harden our hearts when we hear the voice of God in these endtimes, but that what is shaken must be shaken, for what remains was so destined.

Not only are we to come out of Egypt, but we are to tear down the altars of the Canaanites.

God said in Judges 2 . . . because you would not, He would assign their gods to be a snare unto you . . Israel has a snare even until today due to her disobedience . . . Many Christians are plagued by nagging escorting spirits because they have dabbled and refused deliverance. It is dangerous to have God make an assignment of attachment due to our rebellion against Him even in this dispensation of grace and God's deep love for us. WHOM HE LOVES, HE WILL CHASTEN.

God also began to show us 2 Corinthians 10 . . . how an incident becomes an offense, an internal argument, an external argument, a stronghold, and ultimate defiance against God as a root of bitterness (book of Hebrews). We see how error is internalized in our thinking process. No wonder, Paul says, TO RENEW OUR MINDS . . . (Romans 12:1,2).

Recently, God showed us Acts 13 on the spirit of Elymas. Many years ago when His Highest Praise Honolulu was planted from The Good Shepherd Church in Kailua, God spoke to me very specifically. It was the night before our first Sunday morning service and my family went out to dinner but I stayed home by myself. I was praying when I felt the Presence of God and I unusually fell under the power of God. I was weeping when I sensed over me the Presence of God and the presence of the enemy. I began to speak in tongues, first in my thoughts and then through my tongue. I began to weep before God out loud. And I heard this loudly in my spirit . . . SATAN DOES NOT WANT YOU IN HONOLULU FOR YOU WILL KNOW THE STRATEGIES OF SATAN. I wept for a long time . . . Ironically, just as I sensed God's Presence, I knew the enemy was near too. I knew that in order for us to know the enemy, we would oftentimes be sent into spiritual battle into the enemy's camp so that we can study the ways of the devil and learn how to fight the good fight of faith as the battle is always the Lord's anyway.

God has told me for years to read the book of Acts again and again. And while I have and have taught it to my students and church, I am now being asked to revisit the book of Acts. I am aware that the book of Daniel speaks about the sealing of the book but that in the endtimes there will be an releasing of understanding when the book is opened. Thank God we have the more sure Word of Prophecy; we have the Word completed already, but God will open up the understanding. Paul says . . pray with the Spirit, pray with the understanding also. We have prayed IN the Spirit, but God will teach us how to pray WITH the Spirit so we can have an understanding with that Spirit-led intercession.

In Acts 13, a proconsul wanted to hear the Word of God through Paul and Barnabas, but Elymas (bar Jesus) was an attendant to the proconsul who tried to distract and interfere with that connection when the proconsul wanted to know more of the Word.

For years now, I have taught several things about demonic activities.

First, that there is a Satan or Devil and that he has distributed himself through demonic forces and activities.

Second, Christians CANNOT be demon-possessed. That would be an insult to the power of Christ, the Cross, and the Blood of Jesus otherwise. Luke 10:17 says EVEN DEMONS SUBMIT TO THE DISCIPLES BECAUSE OF JESUS. And we are His disciples today . learners, followers of the Most High God and of Jesus Christ, His Son.

Third, while we cannot be demon-possessed, there are areas of our lives and in our daily intercourses of life that we come into interaction with demonic activities. We learn to discern between a medical, physical, and psychological issue from demonic activities and to determine even how a legimate problem can become a point of entry for the enemy to influence us.

Fourth, I have taught my students of several intentions of the enemy who is not omnipresent. He and all of his forces want to either inhabit a person, item, event, activity, or place or influence a person, item, event, activity, place, or behavior.

Fifth, I have also taught my students that there are escorting spirits, specific demons that are assigned to attach themselves around believers for the purpose of interfering, interfacing, and interjecting into us his or their suggestions . . . that the enemy wants to distract, distort, destroy, deceive, and delude people, even God's people and more so God's people. These escorting spirits come to us for many reasons . . . some due to our history and genealogy, some due to our dabblings and unhealed areas or experiences in life, some due to an attachment by the enemy because of the threat a person is to the enemy's kingdom, or for many other reasons, including due to the fact that we refuse to be delivered and an assignment is then made to us even by God such as in the case of King Saul that when the Spirit of God left Saul, then an evil spirit from God was assigned to him. Or in the case of Judges 2 when a nation is assigned a snare due to refusal to let go of Egypt or tear down the altar os others (Canaanites, refer to early paragraphs). Please note that Paul had a thorn in the flesh or a messenger of Satan assigned to him (2 Corinthians 12) due to the fact that God took him into the third heavens to hear of inexpressible things. For some people who are given deep revelations from God, there has to be an assignment of attachment in order to keep these people in check with God.

The spirit of Elymas is very active in the church today . . . alluring, interferring, cutting into spiritual momentum, working against the holy vision and mission assigned to us by God. But, Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit said to Elymas . . . GOD WILL BLIND YOU.

Seventh, we need to learn the difference of certain things . . . about what is the transference of spirits in contrast to spiritual impartation. Just as Paul longed to be with the Roman church and gave them imparted blessings (Romans 1), there is also the counterpoint when the enemy can enter not in terms of possession but in terms to highly influence us through points of entry in what we call the transference of spirits. We need to say, THE LORD BEBUKES YOU (Jude 1) when dealing with the Devil and we can bind and loose according to the book of Matthew. We can bind the enemy from us but we need to understand that the enemy's assignment is the earth. When he approached God in Job 1, God asked him, WHAT WERE YOU DOING BEFORE YOU CAME TO APPEAR BEFORE ME? Satan said, GOING TO AND FRO. The eneny is assigned the earth as the world lieth in the wicked one. But, we can bind and loose . . . in the mighty Name of Jesus. AND WHAT WE BIND ON EARTH WILL BE BOUND IN HEAVEN AND WHAT WE LOOSE ON EARTH SHALL BE LOOSED IN HEAVEN.

But, there are times when binding is contrary to the Will of God . . . There is a purpose for the enemy's interactions. And what we cannot bind at that moment, we can blind. Paul blinded Elymas only for a season. God teaches us how to maintain our poise of victory even when we are seemingly feeling a strong exhaustion. We refuse to let the enemy know or sense our burdens, we learn to praise in the midst of the storm, to shout when carrying our burdens. WE BLIND THE ENEMY FROM SEEING US IN ANY OTHER LIGHT BUT VICTORIOUS AND OVERCOMING.

Learn to blind the enemy . . . No wonder Jesus said, GET THEE, BEHIND ME . . . get out of the face of God . . Satan, the blood of Jesus is against you!!!!

Eighth, the enemy is on the loose today more than ever, density has increased, mutations are going on. We need to be wise and gentle and be not ignorant of Satan's expanding devices and unique and mutating strategies.

Another revelation God began to seed into my spirit was from Mark 5. This man who had been living in the tomb had "an impure spirit." Jesus rebuked that spirit and cast it out. Several things should also be noted: first, this man lived in the tomb (isolation, insulation). Many people live in tombs of things already dead. Second, when Jesus asked him what his name was, he said, MY NAME IS LEGION FOR I AM MANY. Amazing how one spirit reproduces a legion. This is how the enemy works. . . it start off as "one little incident, thought, or thing," and then before you know it legions of spirits are around us and we are entrapped and webbed by the bondage of it. Third, these demons wanted to stay "in the area" (possibly assigned to the area), so they asked Jesus to cast them into the pigs, but the pigs then jumped into the sea and killed themselves. What an insight about demonic activities.

Recently, I have been teaching on TWO ARMIES . . . TWO FORCES . . . TWO KINGDOMS . . . We went to Babylon of Revelation 17 and 18 . . Revelation 18 states, BABYLON HAS BECOME THE HOME OF EVERY EVIL SPIRIT AND DEMON. . .

When we read Revelation 17, it states, THIS CALLS FOR A MIND OF WISDOM. The inevitable battle of Revelation 19 is highlighted in Revelation 17 and 18 as for the formation of Babylon to contradict the Bride of Christ who goes up in the pre-Tribulation rapture and invited to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Revelation 17 says, AND THE LAMB WILL PREVAIL BECAUSE HE IS THE LORD OR LORDS AND THE KING OF KINGS. And His called, chose, and faithful followers will come back with Him.

During the Tribulation Period, clusters of believers will be "caught up" to heaven after they are martyred to add to the four living creatures (Bride of Christ), and the twenty-four elders (Body of Christ up until the Tribulation Period), now joined by the companies of saints throughout the Tribulation Period. I Cor. 15 says. . . . every man is going up in his own order . . . companies of believers go up during the Tribulation Period. The Bride goes up to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. There will also be an additional ingathering of others from the highways and the byways to come to the Marriage Feast. Finally, the church made up of HIS CALLED, HIS CHOSEN, HIS FAITHFUL, AND HIS FOLLOWERS, will come with Him as He is the Rider on the White Horse in Revelation 19.

On Thursday, I shared with the precious prayer team about the poor man in Ecclesiastes 9 . . . a poor man was used to defend a small city against a strong and imposing king . . . and after the battle was won, people forgot the poor man . . . a man not of strength but of wisdom. God will use the "poor in Spirit" to inherit the earth, "the hungry" to be filled, "and the pure in heart to see God" in all things . . . But, the poor man may be insignificant and may return back to his seeming insignificance, but GOD IS AT WORK through the poor man today. Do not ignore the poor man as God will use the weak things to confound the mighty, the foolish things to confound the earthly wise.

So much more revelation is coming forth. I will post as it is becomes clearer.

Get ready for a might move of God to counteract the spirits of the endtimes.

Yours for the Journey,

Adrian Yuen, Ph.D.

unedited, copyrighted by Dr. Adrian Yuen on September 4, 2011

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