Friday, October 30, 2009

Read my posting on, YOU'RE THE PERSON BORN BLIND . . at

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Read this posting, ON EDGE, EXPECTING.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

David in the book of Psalm did a lot of heart-talk with God and self-talk with himself. Not only must we know the Word, we need to speak the Word to ourselves. Call forth the man or woman of God in you today!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Monday, October 19, 2009

White House Irritated with Fox News: Silencing Dissent or Irritated at Those Not of the Magic? Read this Article On Yahoo News October 19, 2009

White House advisers say Fox News is not news

– In this photo provided by CBS, White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel appears on CBS's 'Face the Nation' …
By ANN SANNER, Associated Press Writer – Sun Oct 18, 2:34 pm ET
WASHINGTON – White House advisers pledged on Sunday to book administration officials on Fox News despite claims by the president's inner circle that the cable network is a GOP mouthpiece whose programming "is geared toward making money."
Last week, White House communications director Anita Dunn said Fox News operates "almost as either the research arm or the communications arm of the Republican Party." On Sunday, Rahm Emanuel, President Barack Obama's chief of staff, said, "It is not a news organization so much as it has a perspective."
In response to the criticism, Fox News executive Michael Clemente on Sunday accused the White House of continuing to "declare war on a news organization" rather than focusing on issues such as jobs and health care.
"The door remains open and we welcome a discussion about the facts behind the issues," said Clemente, senior vice president of news, in a written statement.
Fox News commentators Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity have been strong Obama critics, and Bill O'Reilly has taken tough looks at the administration. Obama avoided "Fox News Sunday" when he visited five Sunday morning news shows last month; three aides carried the administration's message on Afghanistan, health care and the economy this Sunday to ABC, CBS, CNN and NBC, but not Fox; and a recent White House blog post accused Beck of lying. Beck has called Obama a racist.
Karl Rove, a Fox News contributor and former White House adviser to President George W. Bush, said the Obama administration is trying to demonize Fox News for asking questions officials do not like. He compared Obama's approach to that of President Richard Nixon, who included journalists on an "enemies list."
"This is a White House engaging in its own version of the media enemies list," Rove said on "Fox News Sunday." "And it's unhelpful for the country and undignified for the president of the United States to so do."
Appearing on ABC's "This Week," senior Obama adviser David Axelrod said Fox News shouldn't be treated as a news organization. "And the bigger thing is that other news organizations, like yours, ought not to treat them that way, and we're not going to treat them that way," he said.
Still, Axelrod said administration officials would appear on the channel. He shrugged off News Corp. chairman Rupert Murdoch's remark to shareholders last Friday that since the White House began criticizing Fox News commentators their ratings have risen.
"You know, I'm not concerned. Mr. Murdoch has a talent for making money, and I understand that their programming is geared toward making money," Axelrod said. "The only argument Anita was making is that they're not really a news station. ... It's not just their commentators, but a lot of their news programming. It's really not news. It's pushing a point of view."
Emanuel appeared on CNN's "State of the Union."

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Why Silence Dissent

Many of us are uncomfortable with division or dissent especially when we are the ones involved in the seeming conflict. However, there is a difference between our personal lifestyle where peace is our goal and objective, among other goals and objectives, to a functional democracy. The late Dr. Alan Bloom argued in the CLOSING OF THE AMERICAN MIND, that the citizenry must be clearly and accurately informed. Not only for informed decision-making, but so that our democracy can flourish with the presence of dissent and counterpoint.

Many years ago when people were burning the American flag and even though I felt these individuals had the right to express themselves I heard a judge once say . . . THIS COUNTRY IS STRONG ENOUGH TO TOLERATE THIS KIND OF EXPRESSION. I thought about seriously.

Even though I listen to Morning Joe (MSNBC), Chris Matthews (MSNBC), Meet the Press (NBC), Fox News (including Hannity, Bill O'Reiley, Glenn Beck, Geraldo Rivera, Greta), CNN (Larry King Live, Anderson Cooper, Lou Dobbs), and others, I enjoy watching these programs, tend to be moderate to conservative. I had a real hard time listening to Countdown and Rachel on MSNBC or Campbell on CNN. And sometimes I have to stay away from Glenn Beck when he is on a rampage, so I feel.

But, whether I agree or disagree, I feel that dissent in our democracy is essetial to the psychological check and balance system of our politico-social functioning of our country and mixed culture.

When Obama or the White House seem very irritated by Fox News, I wonder what is the psychology behind that?

Just as I heard horrible things spoken in dissent to George Bush and never felt the need to call for censorship or to focus on them, I find Obama's "fixation" to address his opposition either speaks to his lack of experience in American politics or a deep pscyhological need to thrive without being questioned by any other point of view.

What do you think?