Tuesday, October 27, 2009

David in the book of Psalm did a lot of heart-talk with God and self-talk with himself. Not only must we know the Word, we need to speak the Word to ourselves. Call forth the man or woman of God in you today!


  1. I am in absolute agreement Pastor Yuen. I believe it is imperative to the survival of our individual faith, as we rapidly approach the final days, that we encourage ourselves and increase our faith by speaking God’s Word to ourselves.

    The Bible speaks of a falling away [2 Thessalonians 2:3] before the son of perdition is revealed, but, one doesn’t have to wait for that day to see people fall away from the faith due to the circumstances of their lives.

    What we fail to realize is that; as born again believers of Christ Jesus, we have been equipped with the single, most powerful, offensive weapon to ensure victorious living and that is the Holy Word of God.

    The problem is – we fail to use it in critical times.

    Rather, we rely upon our own understanding which, quite frankly, is severely limited. We trust what we can see or touch and we are bound by our knowledge of the laws of physics. However, the laws of physics do not apply to the God who created physics.

    Our enemy, the devil, has one goal – Destroy our faith!

    If, regardless as to what avenue he takes to accomplish that task, we would stand firm and declare that God’s Word is true no matter what things look like, the devil would quit wasting his time on us.

    1 Peter 5:6 -- Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.

    How comforting it should be to know that God will bring us out of our situation before it is too late if we will simply humble ourselves and acknowledge that no matter what it is we are facing- He is still God.

    Men and women of God – Arise!

    Encourage yourself by speaking God’s Word to your situation and see how God supernaturally intervenes.

  2. In / As a whisper or a shout, prophectic beings need to speak forth.


Mahalo for your posting. Your posting will be on this blog shortly.