Friday, June 24, 2011

An Internet Forward from Metro Apostolic Network on APOSTOLIC LEADERSHIP

Shifting to Apostolic Leadership

Tuesday, 04 May 2010 03:08 Frank Duprée This article will help you understand the shift from a Pastoral to an Apostolic Leadership style

The role of the Apostolic Leader is by its very nature Visionary. The role of a Pastor is that of a “care giver”. The two are not mutually exclusive but there are some major differences between the two. If you look to the military for an example you will find two people that fit these roles:

1. The General who is concerned with troop movements, enemy lines, communications, weaponry, supplies and advancing the attack against the enemy.

2. The Medic/Chaplain who is concerned with the physical and spiritual health of the troops and the care of the wounded.

Both men are on the same “team” but they have priorities and concerns.

1.The Apostolic Leader priorities are always strategic.

2.The Pastor’s priorities are always care related.

In our Churches today those Ministers whom we call Pastor are being called to shift to Apostolic Leadership so the Church can strategically move towards advancing the Kingdom of God.

Visualizing the Shift in Leadership

You can see the Fivefold Ministry and Mature Intercessors in "God’s Army"

The General Apostle

The Advisors Prophets

Boot Camp Sergeants Teachers

•Recruiters Evangelists

Medic/Chaplains Pastors

•Spies Mature Intercessors

The General develops a Strategy/Battle Plan for War

He meets with his Advisors to further develop his plan by adjusting it according their input i.e. Timing and Direction

The Advisors bring their knowledge of the War and add the information that the spies bring them

The Spies go out and gather information to bring to the General’s Advisors

The Boot Camp Sergeants fit their Training to the Strategy they have been given so the Troops will be properly equipped for battle

The Medic/Chaplains take care of the Troops

The Recruiters are out on the street and using media, etc. to bring in new recruits

Here are some of the functions of the Apostolic Leader

1.The Apostolic Leader must be Godward to get the vision and burden of the Lord

2.The Apostolic Leader must raise up a Presbytery of Elders in the Church who will minister to the people and their needs and function as the Elder of Elders

3.The Apostolic Leader’s primary concern must be to meet the root needs of people and not their felt needs.

4.The Apostolic Leader must move his Leadership Team from performing in a “maintenance mentality” and move it to the “equipping and maturing of each believer for the work of the ministry.

5.Pastors today center on the people and their needs

6.Pastors today feed the people to put on weight and make them feel satisfied

7.The Apostolic Leader must train his Elders and Pastors to minister to the people so they will build up spiritual muscles and have purpose

8.The Apostolic Leader must renew the minds of believers so they will change their lifestyles

9.Pastors today perform services for the people with “bless me” services where they try to meet their peoples’ “felt needs”

10.The Apostolic Leader must center on God’s call and His purposes for the Church encouraging God’s people to become what they are capable of becoming and to do what they are capable of doing

11.The Apostolic Leader must minister the Word of God and make a righteous demand of the people so they will become “doers of the Word and not hearers only”

12.The Apostolic Leader must also develop the corporate identity of the Church so everyone moves forward in the same direction so the Kingdom of God advances

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