Sunday, June 19, 2011

What A Week It Has Been . . .

Aloha, Friends:

God is at work . . . how else can I say it?

Last week, we began a powerful week of prayer and impartation. We were initially struggling to figure out how we would do the week, BUT GOD. I met several times with the prayer team and did not get a clear signal in my spirit, BUT GOD. And then it all came together. . . BUT GOD.

From last Sunday morning when there was a freedom of anointing as we preached on the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the people came into worship. Then on Sunday evening, the power began to move again and the churches came together from His Highest Praise NETWORK MINISTRIES and the breakthrough showed up. The Sunday evening service was so anointed that the altar service was filled with a deep work of God, not the superficial shout but the depth of praise and worship that begins with repentance and consecration . . . AND GOD.

From that evening until Friday night, the Lord took over.

On Monday, a large crowd of men and women gathered downstairs at His Highest Praise Honolulu and ministered to one another. It was precious to see Tish and Ululani dancing before the Lord and Pastor Al Castro going into a prophetic dance in prayer, not to forget others who prayed out loud and made declarations of faith. NO DOUBT, GOD WAS IN THE HOUSE.

On Tuesday, more people showed up and God began to take people through personal and inner healing. People began to confess different things that God was revealing to them and there was a holy hush of holiness in the church.

On Wednesday, it was reported that God also moved among the people, many of the women began to speak about the healing power of God in areas of their lives, GOD WAS OBVIOUSLY ADJUSTING THE CHURCH, SANCTIFYING HIS PEOPLE FOR THESE ENDTIMES.

I went to His Highest Praise Kaneohe with Pastor Christian Alexander and God used him too. Pastor Lori and all of the Windward pastors came together to celebrate the power of prayer and to do impartations with the congregations present.

On Thursday, there were another two locations . . . the Filipino Ministries as usual went into a great intercession before the Lord. Testimonies of God at work were evident there too. At His Highest Praise Waianae, about thirty people went to Black Rock Beach and we got together to worship the Lord, to provoke one another to love and good works and to weep and pray. NO DOUBT, THERE WAS SOMETHING ABOUT TO CHANGE.

On Friday, we came together for an all-nighter . . . From 7:00 until 10;30, we were in my office, about forty of us, jam packed in my library . . . then many more came and went upstairs for the overnighter. Even though Tish spoke on Israel and was rushed to the hospital, we knew that Tish Turner was taking a strong stand against the forces of the enemy and although she is much better today, we know God was doing something among us as well. People reported that there was such a freedom and many prophetic words spoken over them by the ministers, most of them left by 4:00 a.m.

All of us experienced something deep from God. We knew He was at work at His Highest Praise and we welcomed His work among us.

Thank you, members of His Highest Praise and affiliates, thank you, pastors and leaders, thank you, friends and fellow-Christians for joining us as




We are expecting great things from God for the rest of the year.


Yours for the Journey, Love to all.

Adrian Yuen, Ph.D.

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