Saturday, September 3, 2011

Know Your Enemy!

Aloha, Friends:

What a year of revelation!!! God knows what He is doing . .. things revealed not unto the wise and prudent, but unto the babes in Christ. So while pride is in the religious, the spiritual serves God in humility and holiness.

From the beginning of this year, God began to shift our teachings . . . in our Monday School of Leadership and Tuesday Bible College, God began to stir up the revelation of divine impartation. As a Bible-based church, we are well aware of how false teachings and counterfeit doctrines co-exist in the churches today, but God has clarified some of these ambiguities and called us to a strong endtime emphasis.

God is beginning to fine-tune the understanding of the Bride of Christ, not an elite of cultism, but those who press toward the mark and the prize of the high calling which is found in Christ Jesus (Philippians). In the emphasis of the new year, we began to teach on the covenant of Abraham and the chosen people, not only of literal Israel and the precious body of Jesus Christ, but also of those who respond to the high calling of Jesus and who desire to walk more intimately with Him.

One day, a former special forces person, now a student in my class, spoke up about special forces training and mindset in the military, and those of us who were in the Monday School of Leadership witnessed the anointing of the Holy Spirit to stir up the hunger of people to draw closer to God.

Throughout the first part of this year, we began to teach impartation. We began to learn of the value of spiritual transference, the laying on of hands, and the cry of the believer for the Kingdom of God . . . to learn what it is to be born of water and of Spirit . . . to be born of Truth and the Spirit (John 4:24) so we can walk in the balance of clarity and understanding.

When some of us went to New Zealand and the Philippines, God began to confirm His Word and great signs and wonders, tremendous works of grace in the inner heart took place, demonstrating to us the glory of God that is calling out the Bride of Jesus Christ to make herself ready for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

God began to show me a more comprehensive understanding of what He is requiring of those who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit.

Whether it was on Sunday morning, Monday School, Tuesday Bible college, or ministries throughout the week, God was focusing us on the way more perfectly and the more excellent way of love.

Here is a brief summary of a few points that linger in my spirit even uas of today typing this posting.

Judges 2 . . . God showed us that many of us need to do two things . . . first, come out of Egypt . . . churches are full of compromise today . . . not because of personal taste, but because of a desire to be like the world so our testimony does not bring us into a demand of separation. This notion that God is love and full of grace which then allows for people to do their own thing and live in defiance and rebellion against God is a spirit of licentiousness and offends the blood of Jesus that does more than tolerate our humanity but provides us a way of escape from every temptation. People teach grace in order to excuse sin, but God does not. The Bible says that if we conceal our sins, we will not prosper . . . we must confess, renounce, and change our ways not through our fragile good works of which are only filthy rages to God, but by the power of Jesus Christ and the Cross. There has been an insult to the doctrine of grace as it has become a psychological tool of enabling people to live in sin while playing church . . . coming in a form of Godliness but denying the transformative power of God. We need to come out of Egypt.

Yet, in Judges 2, it says more. . . tear down the altars of the Canaanites when you enter into the Promised Land. Many of us fail to understand that these altars are not ours, they are the altars of others.

Some people tell me . . . I just like it, Dr. Yuen, it's not because I am wanting to be like the world . . . but we are to tear down the altars that others have built.

When I see the world following a fad, a Hollywood move star, a freaky entertainer, or worldly designs, even if I personally like things that happen to look like what others like . . . when I discern that it has become an altar to someone else, I know I am to tear down that altar.

Even when I am watching American I and people begin to adore these singers or when a worldly entertainer is performing and while the music may be classical and even decently appealing to the art and blessing of music, when I see that it has become an altar to others especially at a discerningly significant level, I am called to tear that down.

When you become a believer, you do not follow after the things of this world.

Unless we are uncluttered, we cannot hear the voice of the Spirit in these endtimes.

The book of Hebrews says that we cannot harden our hearts when we hear the voice of God in these endtimes, but that what is shaken must be shaken, for what remains was so destined.

Not only are we to come out of Egypt, but we are to tear down the altars of the Canaanites.

God said in Judges 2 . . . because you would not, He would assign their gods to be a snare unto you . . Israel has a snare even until today due to her disobedience . . . Many Christians are plagued by nagging escorting spirits because they have dabbled and refused deliverance. It is dangerous to have God make an assignment of attachment due to our rebellion against Him even in this dispensation of grace and God's deep love for us. WHOM HE LOVES, HE WILL CHASTEN.

God also began to show us 2 Corinthians 10 . . . how an incident becomes an offense, an internal argument, an external argument, a stronghold, and ultimate defiance against God as a root of bitterness (book of Hebrews). We see how error is internalized in our thinking process. No wonder, Paul says, TO RENEW OUR MINDS . . . (Romans 12:1,2).

Recently, God showed us Acts 13 on the spirit of Elymas. Many years ago when His Highest Praise Honolulu was planted from The Good Shepherd Church in Kailua, God spoke to me very specifically. It was the night before our first Sunday morning service and my family went out to dinner but I stayed home by myself. I was praying when I felt the Presence of God and I unusually fell under the power of God. I was weeping when I sensed over me the Presence of God and the presence of the enemy. I began to speak in tongues, first in my thoughts and then through my tongue. I began to weep before God out loud. And I heard this loudly in my spirit . . . SATAN DOES NOT WANT YOU IN HONOLULU FOR YOU WILL KNOW THE STRATEGIES OF SATAN. I wept for a long time . . . Ironically, just as I sensed God's Presence, I knew the enemy was near too. I knew that in order for us to know the enemy, we would oftentimes be sent into spiritual battle into the enemy's camp so that we can study the ways of the devil and learn how to fight the good fight of faith as the battle is always the Lord's anyway.

God has told me for years to read the book of Acts again and again. And while I have and have taught it to my students and church, I am now being asked to revisit the book of Acts. I am aware that the book of Daniel speaks about the sealing of the book but that in the endtimes there will be an releasing of understanding when the book is opened. Thank God we have the more sure Word of Prophecy; we have the Word completed already, but God will open up the understanding. Paul says . . pray with the Spirit, pray with the understanding also. We have prayed IN the Spirit, but God will teach us how to pray WITH the Spirit so we can have an understanding with that Spirit-led intercession.

In Acts 13, a proconsul wanted to hear the Word of God through Paul and Barnabas, but Elymas (bar Jesus) was an attendant to the proconsul who tried to distract and interfere with that connection when the proconsul wanted to know more of the Word.

For years now, I have taught several things about demonic activities.

First, that there is a Satan or Devil and that he has distributed himself through demonic forces and activities.

Second, Christians CANNOT be demon-possessed. That would be an insult to the power of Christ, the Cross, and the Blood of Jesus otherwise. Luke 10:17 says EVEN DEMONS SUBMIT TO THE DISCIPLES BECAUSE OF JESUS. And we are His disciples today . learners, followers of the Most High God and of Jesus Christ, His Son.

Third, while we cannot be demon-possessed, there are areas of our lives and in our daily intercourses of life that we come into interaction with demonic activities. We learn to discern between a medical, physical, and psychological issue from demonic activities and to determine even how a legimate problem can become a point of entry for the enemy to influence us.

Fourth, I have taught my students of several intentions of the enemy who is not omnipresent. He and all of his forces want to either inhabit a person, item, event, activity, or place or influence a person, item, event, activity, place, or behavior.

Fifth, I have also taught my students that there are escorting spirits, specific demons that are assigned to attach themselves around believers for the purpose of interfering, interfacing, and interjecting into us his or their suggestions . . . that the enemy wants to distract, distort, destroy, deceive, and delude people, even God's people and more so God's people. These escorting spirits come to us for many reasons . . . some due to our history and genealogy, some due to our dabblings and unhealed areas or experiences in life, some due to an attachment by the enemy because of the threat a person is to the enemy's kingdom, or for many other reasons, including due to the fact that we refuse to be delivered and an assignment is then made to us even by God such as in the case of King Saul that when the Spirit of God left Saul, then an evil spirit from God was assigned to him. Or in the case of Judges 2 when a nation is assigned a snare due to refusal to let go of Egypt or tear down the altar os others (Canaanites, refer to early paragraphs). Please note that Paul had a thorn in the flesh or a messenger of Satan assigned to him (2 Corinthians 12) due to the fact that God took him into the third heavens to hear of inexpressible things. For some people who are given deep revelations from God, there has to be an assignment of attachment in order to keep these people in check with God.

The spirit of Elymas is very active in the church today . . . alluring, interferring, cutting into spiritual momentum, working against the holy vision and mission assigned to us by God. But, Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit said to Elymas . . . GOD WILL BLIND YOU.

Seventh, we need to learn the difference of certain things . . . about what is the transference of spirits in contrast to spiritual impartation. Just as Paul longed to be with the Roman church and gave them imparted blessings (Romans 1), there is also the counterpoint when the enemy can enter not in terms of possession but in terms to highly influence us through points of entry in what we call the transference of spirits. We need to say, THE LORD BEBUKES YOU (Jude 1) when dealing with the Devil and we can bind and loose according to the book of Matthew. We can bind the enemy from us but we need to understand that the enemy's assignment is the earth. When he approached God in Job 1, God asked him, WHAT WERE YOU DOING BEFORE YOU CAME TO APPEAR BEFORE ME? Satan said, GOING TO AND FRO. The eneny is assigned the earth as the world lieth in the wicked one. But, we can bind and loose . . . in the mighty Name of Jesus. AND WHAT WE BIND ON EARTH WILL BE BOUND IN HEAVEN AND WHAT WE LOOSE ON EARTH SHALL BE LOOSED IN HEAVEN.

But, there are times when binding is contrary to the Will of God . . . There is a purpose for the enemy's interactions. And what we cannot bind at that moment, we can blind. Paul blinded Elymas only for a season. God teaches us how to maintain our poise of victory even when we are seemingly feeling a strong exhaustion. We refuse to let the enemy know or sense our burdens, we learn to praise in the midst of the storm, to shout when carrying our burdens. WE BLIND THE ENEMY FROM SEEING US IN ANY OTHER LIGHT BUT VICTORIOUS AND OVERCOMING.

Learn to blind the enemy . . . No wonder Jesus said, GET THEE, BEHIND ME . . . get out of the face of God . . Satan, the blood of Jesus is against you!!!!

Eighth, the enemy is on the loose today more than ever, density has increased, mutations are going on. We need to be wise and gentle and be not ignorant of Satan's expanding devices and unique and mutating strategies.

Another revelation God began to seed into my spirit was from Mark 5. This man who had been living in the tomb had "an impure spirit." Jesus rebuked that spirit and cast it out. Several things should also be noted: first, this man lived in the tomb (isolation, insulation). Many people live in tombs of things already dead. Second, when Jesus asked him what his name was, he said, MY NAME IS LEGION FOR I AM MANY. Amazing how one spirit reproduces a legion. This is how the enemy works. . . it start off as "one little incident, thought, or thing," and then before you know it legions of spirits are around us and we are entrapped and webbed by the bondage of it. Third, these demons wanted to stay "in the area" (possibly assigned to the area), so they asked Jesus to cast them into the pigs, but the pigs then jumped into the sea and killed themselves. What an insight about demonic activities.

Recently, I have been teaching on TWO ARMIES . . . TWO FORCES . . . TWO KINGDOMS . . . We went to Babylon of Revelation 17 and 18 . . Revelation 18 states, BABYLON HAS BECOME THE HOME OF EVERY EVIL SPIRIT AND DEMON. . .

When we read Revelation 17, it states, THIS CALLS FOR A MIND OF WISDOM. The inevitable battle of Revelation 19 is highlighted in Revelation 17 and 18 as for the formation of Babylon to contradict the Bride of Christ who goes up in the pre-Tribulation rapture and invited to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Revelation 17 says, AND THE LAMB WILL PREVAIL BECAUSE HE IS THE LORD OR LORDS AND THE KING OF KINGS. And His called, chose, and faithful followers will come back with Him.

During the Tribulation Period, clusters of believers will be "caught up" to heaven after they are martyred to add to the four living creatures (Bride of Christ), and the twenty-four elders (Body of Christ up until the Tribulation Period), now joined by the companies of saints throughout the Tribulation Period. I Cor. 15 says. . . . every man is going up in his own order . . . companies of believers go up during the Tribulation Period. The Bride goes up to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. There will also be an additional ingathering of others from the highways and the byways to come to the Marriage Feast. Finally, the church made up of HIS CALLED, HIS CHOSEN, HIS FAITHFUL, AND HIS FOLLOWERS, will come with Him as He is the Rider on the White Horse in Revelation 19.

On Thursday, I shared with the precious prayer team about the poor man in Ecclesiastes 9 . . . a poor man was used to defend a small city against a strong and imposing king . . . and after the battle was won, people forgot the poor man . . . a man not of strength but of wisdom. God will use the "poor in Spirit" to inherit the earth, "the hungry" to be filled, "and the pure in heart to see God" in all things . . . But, the poor man may be insignificant and may return back to his seeming insignificance, but GOD IS AT WORK through the poor man today. Do not ignore the poor man as God will use the weak things to confound the mighty, the foolish things to confound the earthly wise.

So much more revelation is coming forth. I will post as it is becomes clearer.

Get ready for a might move of God to counteract the spirits of the endtimes.

Yours for the Journey,

Adrian Yuen, Ph.D.

unedited, copyrighted by Dr. Adrian Yuen on September 4, 2011

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

He's Brought You Out and He's Taking You In . .

So What Now?


Adrian Yuen, Ph.D.

Read Judges 2

God made a covenant with Israel.

To take them out of Egypt and indeed He did.

Jesus has taken us out of Egypt.

From the world.

From worldly thinking, worldly values, worldliness.

We are no longer in Egypt.

He has brought us out!

He has delivered us from the curse of the law being made a tree.

He has saved us,

Forgiven us,

Redeemed us,

Restored us,

Set us free.

We are to stand in our deliverance.

Jesus died that we might have life and life more abundantly.

Whosoever will may come.

We have come to Him,

Now we are taken out from Egypt.

Not to go back there again.

Not like Lot's wife.

Not like Lot.

Lot pitched his tent towards Sodom before he went there.

The pitched tent and the direction is the sin nature.

We are born with our hearts pitched towards the world, Sodom.

But when God drove Lot and his family out of Sodom and Gomorrah,

Lot's wife turned back,

And she became a pillar of salt.

One was already pitched before he got there.

The other was taken out but still had affections for the place of exit.

Sentiments and obligations to the world.

She became a pillar of salt even though she was not quite in the place of judgment,

But her heart was not out of the place where evil lived.

We can be in church.

Some of us have our tents, our attitudes, our values, our ways, our habits,


And others, delivered yes,

But deep inside, if we could get by with it, we would.

Maybe it is because it is a church rule,

Or a professional standard,

Or a policy of employment.

We serve and do, not because we believe,

Only because we comply,

But like Lot's wife, our hearts are still wishing we had access, secretly,

to the place we need to leave, not just physically, but emotionally.

Then God said,

I took you out of Egypt.

I am bringing you into the Promised Land.

There in Canaan, there will be enemy nations too.

Do not make a covenant with the people of THE LAND.

Tear down their altars.

We go from sinful Egypt to religious facades of THE LAND.

Where once we were in Egypt, hooked on sin, addicted to self, owned by the sin nature, a slave to sin.

Now in Canaan, there are vulnerabilities too.

Like pride.

Like jealousy of others.

Like needing to be right,

Needing to be liked.

Needing to be in control at all times.

Loving oneself,

Using others for personal gain or control.

Positioning and power.

Now that we are being blessed, we become self-righteous.

Students now judge the teachers.

Members now judge their spiritual leaders.

Satan fell with his desire to be LIKE THE MOST HIGH (Isaiah 14:12-14)

He said to Eve.

If you eat this, you will be like GOD (Genesis 3:5).

The King of the Mountain is the need to be number one.

Yet throughout the ages, it has become the need to be THE ONLY ONE.

From number one to ONLY ONE. Sin is still mutating. . .

From eating the forbidden fruit, a simple act, yet with deep consequences,

To mocking God and defying Him.

From wanting to be NUMBER ONE to now wanting to be the ONLY ONE.

I Timothy 3:6-7 speak about a new leader falling into the trap of Satan.

That's where we have the need to be number one.

Worse yet.

The King of the Mountain Syndrome is the need to be number one and the only one.

That's the trap of Satan.

God begins to bless us in Canaan.

We get the applause of others.

And we become intoxicated with our fame, our popularity, our favor, our miracles.

We begin to judge the unfortunate,

We show little mercy to others.

We feel empowered and powerful.

Unknown to us,

In our religious pride.

We are making a covenant with the people of THE LAND.

Tear down their altars.

We value what "the world values."

We value what "the religious world is doing."

We copy.

Like Israel in I Samuel 8.


We look at the largest church in town.

We abandon our arduous vision,

We adopt the vision of another church.

We want to have a king like all other nations.

When God has called us to be a DISTINCTIVE VOICE.

Not to compete,

Not to be jealous,

But to speak the truth in love.

We watch American I, we want to sing like the world

Their altars are still erected.

We watch how the world dances and we bring in the sensual side of the body in our creative expressions and call that worship.

Their altars are still in place.

We imitate Hollywood,

How they dress, how they look, how they act.

We admire the entertainers.

They live too often in promiscuity and yet they sing songs of love and romance,

While on their fourth marriage or going through a huge and nasty divorce.

They sing what they little know.

And yet we admire them.

We want to be like them.

We want to sing like them.

We want their fame and popularity.

We listen to their music and sing along with their lyrics.

Lyrics that speak about a life without morals.

Love without commitment,

Subject to change at whim.

Their altars are still in place.

Yet we say,

We are no longer in Egypt,

Barely in Canaan.

And then we go to Canaan,

And another kind of altars is present.

We are merciless to the hurting, the struggling, the weary, the bound, the addict.

Where we once we were bound in sin in Egypt,

Now in Canaan, we speak proudly of not being like them all.

We forget where we came from and that only grace, not our good works, brought us here.

We go from the sins of Egypt to the pride of Canaan.

And both extremes fail to follow the God of Holiness and of Love.

The God of Truth and of Mercy.

The God of Order and of Understanding.

The Demanding Side of God and the Gentler Side that says,






If not,

their gods will be assigned to you.

Stand in your deliverance.

Stand in the power of His might.

Stand in His faith so it becomes your faith.

Stand in His joy so it becomes your joy!


God wants a people UNTO HIMSELF.

He will not accept a mixed breed of believers who live under the guise and confusion of two masters.








Serve the Lord with gladness,

Come before His Presence with thanksgiving.

Do not complain of your good works.

The Pharisees bragged of their compliance to the law,

Outwardly white,

But inwardly bitter.


Be Free.

Free when others see.

Free when alone.

Live by the deliverance of God's grace.

His mercy is everything.

His truth endures through all generations.

Walk in His anointing until it is your anointing.

And do not follow after the world.

Be a distinctive people, called unto Him,

Sanctified for purpose.

Conformed to His image,

The adopted children of God.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your lives.

Otherwise, if you compromise,

Their "gods" will be assigned to you as snares in your path.


May God's Spirit that wrote the Word we call the Bible,

Quicken us to obedience,

Yielding to His plan for our lives.


Speak to the enemy and proclaim and declare YOUR DELIVERANCE.


Satan, by the Holy Spirit, I am brought into God's Will for my existence and life.




In Exodus 12,

The Lamb was slaughtered,

That's the Cross of Jesus.

But, it has to be applied.

The lamb slaughtered did not go to the doorposts of the houses and bleed there.

The owner of the house had to put the lamb's blood on the door posts.

The lamb died is Jesus on the Cross.

The blood applied is the work of the Holy Spirit that generates faith in the sinner to say,


And there the double cure.

2 Peter 2:20-22 say:

We have escaped corruption by knowing our Lord and Savior.

The corruption includes the captivity of the sin nature over our lives.

Now sanctified,

We are not to be entangled again with sin or else we will be OVERCOME by our own nature, now the human nature is overcome so that our human nature has its own sin nature or quality of control . . . OVERCOME by it.

Once sanctified so that the old man or the sin nature is crucified with Christ.

Now we are overcome by being entangled in sin again until the sin in our human nature assumes control within us as a nature of sin and not just an act of disobedience.

It would have been better never to have known this way then to return to the wallowing of the world.

But, we can be set free to STAY FREE.

Jude 1





Be free, stay free, live free!




Yours for the Journey,

Adrian Yuen, Ph.D.

Friday, June 24, 2011

An Internet Forward from Metro Apostolic Network on APOSTOLIC LEADERSHIP

Shifting to Apostolic Leadership

Tuesday, 04 May 2010 03:08 Frank Duprée This article will help you understand the shift from a Pastoral to an Apostolic Leadership style

The role of the Apostolic Leader is by its very nature Visionary. The role of a Pastor is that of a “care giver”. The two are not mutually exclusive but there are some major differences between the two. If you look to the military for an example you will find two people that fit these roles:

1. The General who is concerned with troop movements, enemy lines, communications, weaponry, supplies and advancing the attack against the enemy.

2. The Medic/Chaplain who is concerned with the physical and spiritual health of the troops and the care of the wounded.

Both men are on the same “team” but they have priorities and concerns.

1.The Apostolic Leader priorities are always strategic.

2.The Pastor’s priorities are always care related.

In our Churches today those Ministers whom we call Pastor are being called to shift to Apostolic Leadership so the Church can strategically move towards advancing the Kingdom of God.

Visualizing the Shift in Leadership

You can see the Fivefold Ministry and Mature Intercessors in "God’s Army"

The General Apostle

The Advisors Prophets

Boot Camp Sergeants Teachers

•Recruiters Evangelists

Medic/Chaplains Pastors

•Spies Mature Intercessors

The General develops a Strategy/Battle Plan for War

He meets with his Advisors to further develop his plan by adjusting it according their input i.e. Timing and Direction

The Advisors bring their knowledge of the War and add the information that the spies bring them

The Spies go out and gather information to bring to the General’s Advisors

The Boot Camp Sergeants fit their Training to the Strategy they have been given so the Troops will be properly equipped for battle

The Medic/Chaplains take care of the Troops

The Recruiters are out on the street and using media, etc. to bring in new recruits

Here are some of the functions of the Apostolic Leader

1.The Apostolic Leader must be Godward to get the vision and burden of the Lord

2.The Apostolic Leader must raise up a Presbytery of Elders in the Church who will minister to the people and their needs and function as the Elder of Elders

3.The Apostolic Leader’s primary concern must be to meet the root needs of people and not their felt needs.

4.The Apostolic Leader must move his Leadership Team from performing in a “maintenance mentality” and move it to the “equipping and maturing of each believer for the work of the ministry.

5.Pastors today center on the people and their needs

6.Pastors today feed the people to put on weight and make them feel satisfied

7.The Apostolic Leader must train his Elders and Pastors to minister to the people so they will build up spiritual muscles and have purpose

8.The Apostolic Leader must renew the minds of believers so they will change their lifestyles

9.Pastors today perform services for the people with “bless me” services where they try to meet their peoples’ “felt needs”

10.The Apostolic Leader must center on God’s call and His purposes for the Church encouraging God’s people to become what they are capable of becoming and to do what they are capable of doing

11.The Apostolic Leader must minister the Word of God and make a righteous demand of the people so they will become “doers of the Word and not hearers only”

12.The Apostolic Leader must also develop the corporate identity of the Church so everyone moves forward in the same direction so the Kingdom of God advances

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Read Sam Wiley's book, excellent . .

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Why Cheaters Cheat . . read internet article at

Why Cheaters Cheat . . . A Forward Thought on the Internet

Aloha, Friends:

As evangelical Christians, we understand what the Bible says about how sin is conceived in the heart by lust (James 1). We also know that only by the grace of God we are kept so that our lives can honor the Lord in all that we are in our fragile flesh. We appreciate the mercy of grace and the Godly demand of holiness.

While I am fully convinced that sin is the result of human will acting contrary to choice to obey God and His Word, I also believe that part of the results of the sin nature of Adam is the captivity of parts of ourselves even in the dysfunction of our emotions as well as the defects of our brains and the mental processing of the mind . . . originally due to the Adamic sin or the King of the Mountain Syndrome (Isaiah 14, Gen. 3:5) as well as the works of the flesh manifesting in areas such as infidelity.

I am enclosing an article written by Dr. Amen, a psychiatrist, graduate of Oral Roberts University School of Medicine. I would highly recommend not that we embrace Amen's position without regard to the Biblical simplicity of how sin is conceived in the heart (James 1), but that we would include an understanding of how the sin nature or actual physical injury or some defect, disease, and disorder can impact our ability to make appropriate decisions.

Please read this forward which was written by Dr. Daniel Amen.


Brains Acting Badly: A New Twist on an Old Question

Posted By bjohnson On June 21, 2011 @ 1:49 am In Blog
6 Comments“Faced with the recent surge of sex scandals, I have found myself holding back, not wanting to comment. They happen all the time, but somehow this season seems different, worse,” begins the article I wrote for the Huffington Post last week, on June 8, 2011.

“The ex-governor of California had his family torn apart by an affair he had a decade ago; the IMF leader was arrested for an alleged assault on a hotel maid; Senator John Edwards was recently indicted on cover-up charges related to his affair; and now married congressman Anthony Weiner admits to tweeting his genitals!

“Why are so many men acting badly? The easy answer is to just say that these men are high-testosterone-driven cheaters who choose to make bad decisions. They should be divorced, scorned and ridiculed. They should just say no and stop being so stupid, we think.

“But as a neuroscientist who has scanned tens of thousands of patients’ brains over the last 20 years, many of whom were sex addicts, I know the brain tells a different story.”

Below is the rest of the article, in total.

There is an area in the front part of the brain called the prefrontal cortex. It is also known as the executive brain because it acts like a boss at work. It is involved in forethought, judgment, impulse control, organization and planning. When there are problems in this part of the brain, men in particular are excitement-seeking and prone to exhibit poor judgment. And what is more exciting than illicit sex or tweeting your genitals?

I was on the “Dr. Phil” show last year for a feature we did on compulsive cheaters. I did a brain SPECT (single photon emission computed tomography) scan on Jose, who had cheated on his wife eight times in the four years they were together. His brain showed very low activity in his prefrontal cortex. He also had a brain injury pattern from playing football and mixed martial art fighting. From seeing his own scan, Jose developed brain envy and wanted a better brain. He did not want to be divorced and have his daughter raised by someone else. He did everything I asked.

Cheaters often experience the pain of rejection from their behavior and, with enough pain, can become motivated to change. Jose changed his habits, improved his nutrition, took some simple supplements to boost brain function and has not cheated on his wife for over a year. His follow-up brain scan also looked dramatically better. As we changed his brain, we also changed his life.

So what do we do with all these cheating men? Should we yell at them, belittle them, scold and scorn them? Or should we scan their brains? I think we should start by looking at their brains. How would we ever know if it was just bad behavior or a brain acting badly unless we looked? Psychiatrists, whom these people come to see for help, are the only medical professionals who rarely look at the organ they treat. Psychiatrists still make diagnoses today as they did in 1841, when Abraham Lincoln was depressed: by talking to people and looking for symptom clusters. Imagine if a cardiologist or an orthopedic doctor acted that way!

If the cheating man’s brain is healthy, then he should just deal with the fallout of his poor judgment and learn to behave better. If, however, he has brain dysfunction (as is often the case), perhaps from a brain injury in the past (a barbell dropped on his head, for example), or other prefrontal cortex problems (such as ADHD), then getting a brain makeover with appropriate treatment is essential. Just making these men, who have real brain dysfunction, feel more guilt and shame will not help solve their problems.

Your brain controls everything you do and all the decisions you make. When the brain works correctly, you work correctly. When the brain is troubled, you are much more likely to make troubled decisions. Whenever human frailties are involved, think about the brain. In our experience, with a thoughtful approach, the brain can be better, which will ultimately be better for the whole family.

Resource: The Huffington Post, June 8, 2011.


Adrian Yuen, Ph.D.

skype: adrianyuen7

cell: 1.877.426.4389


Monday, June 20, 2011


Watch the sermon THE DEMANDING GOD, Part 1 . . . by Dr. Adrian Yuen at

Sunday, June 19, 2011

What A Week It Has Been . . .

Aloha, Friends:

God is at work . . . how else can I say it?

Last week, we began a powerful week of prayer and impartation. We were initially struggling to figure out how we would do the week, BUT GOD. I met several times with the prayer team and did not get a clear signal in my spirit, BUT GOD. And then it all came together. . . BUT GOD.

From last Sunday morning when there was a freedom of anointing as we preached on the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the people came into worship. Then on Sunday evening, the power began to move again and the churches came together from His Highest Praise NETWORK MINISTRIES and the breakthrough showed up. The Sunday evening service was so anointed that the altar service was filled with a deep work of God, not the superficial shout but the depth of praise and worship that begins with repentance and consecration . . . AND GOD.

From that evening until Friday night, the Lord took over.

On Monday, a large crowd of men and women gathered downstairs at His Highest Praise Honolulu and ministered to one another. It was precious to see Tish and Ululani dancing before the Lord and Pastor Al Castro going into a prophetic dance in prayer, not to forget others who prayed out loud and made declarations of faith. NO DOUBT, GOD WAS IN THE HOUSE.

On Tuesday, more people showed up and God began to take people through personal and inner healing. People began to confess different things that God was revealing to them and there was a holy hush of holiness in the church.

On Wednesday, it was reported that God also moved among the people, many of the women began to speak about the healing power of God in areas of their lives, GOD WAS OBVIOUSLY ADJUSTING THE CHURCH, SANCTIFYING HIS PEOPLE FOR THESE ENDTIMES.

I went to His Highest Praise Kaneohe with Pastor Christian Alexander and God used him too. Pastor Lori and all of the Windward pastors came together to celebrate the power of prayer and to do impartations with the congregations present.

On Thursday, there were another two locations . . . the Filipino Ministries as usual went into a great intercession before the Lord. Testimonies of God at work were evident there too. At His Highest Praise Waianae, about thirty people went to Black Rock Beach and we got together to worship the Lord, to provoke one another to love and good works and to weep and pray. NO DOUBT, THERE WAS SOMETHING ABOUT TO CHANGE.

On Friday, we came together for an all-nighter . . . From 7:00 until 10;30, we were in my office, about forty of us, jam packed in my library . . . then many more came and went upstairs for the overnighter. Even though Tish spoke on Israel and was rushed to the hospital, we knew that Tish Turner was taking a strong stand against the forces of the enemy and although she is much better today, we know God was doing something among us as well. People reported that there was such a freedom and many prophetic words spoken over them by the ministers, most of them left by 4:00 a.m.

All of us experienced something deep from God. We knew He was at work at His Highest Praise and we welcomed His work among us.

Thank you, members of His Highest Praise and affiliates, thank you, pastors and leaders, thank you, friends and fellow-Christians for joining us as




We are expecting great things from God for the rest of the year.


Yours for the Journey, Love to all.

Adrian Yuen, Ph.D.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

An Internet Forward Why We Need to Pray for President Obama

Subject: The Fundamental Transformation of America.

When Obama wrote a book and said he was mentored as a youth by Frank

(Frank Marshall Davis) an avowed Communist, people said it didn't matter.

When it was discovered that his grandparents, were strong socialists who

sent Obama's mother to a socialist school where she was introduced to

Frank Marshall Davis. He was later introduced to young Barrack Hussein Obama. People said it didn't matter.

When people found out that Barrack Hussein Obama was enrolled as a

Muslim child in school and his father and stepfather were both Muslims, people

said it didn't matter.

When he wrote in another book he authored "I will stand with them

(Muslims) should the political winds shift in an ugly direction" people said it

didn't matter.  *(We should pray for the precious Muslim people . . . )

When he admittedly, in his book, said he chose Marxist friends and

professors in college-- people said it didn't matter.

When he traveled to Pakistan, after college on an unknown national

passport, people said it didn't matter.

When he sought the endorsement of the Marxist Party in 1996 as he ran

for the Illinois Senate, people said it didn't matter.

When he sat in a Chicago Church for twenty years and listened to a

preacher spew hatred for America and preach black liberation theology, people

said it didn't matter.

When an independent Washington organization, that tracks Senate voting

records, gave him the distinctive title as the "most liberal senator,"

people said it didn't matter.

When the Palestinians in Gaza set up a fund raising telethon to raise

money for his election campaign, people said it didn't matter.

When his voting record supported gun control, people said it didn't


When he refused to disclose who donated money to his election campaign,

as other candidates had done, people said it didn't matter.

When he received endorsements from people like Louis Farrakhan and

Mummar Kadaffi and Hugo Chavez, people said it didn't matter.

When it was pointed out that he was a total newcomer and had absolutely

no experience at anything except community organizing, people said it

didn't matter.

When he chose friends and acquaintances such as Bill Ayers and Bernadine

Dohrn who were revolutionary radicals, people said it didn't matter.

When his voting record in the Illinois senate and in the U.S. Senate

came into question, people said it didn't matter.

When he refused to wear a flag, lapel pin, and did so only after a

public outcry, people said it didn't matter.

When people started treating him as a Messiah and children in schools

were taught to sing his praises, people said it didn't matter.

When he stood with his hands over his groin area for the playing of the

National Anthem and Pledge of Allegiance, people said it didn't matter.

When he surrounded himself in the White house with advisors who were

pro-gun control, pro- abortion, pro-homosexual marriage and wanting to curtail

freedom of speech to silence the opposition people said it didn't matter.

When he aired his views on abortion, homosexuality and a host of other

issues, people said it didn't matter.

When he said he favors sex education in Kindergarten, including

homosexual indoctrination, people said it didn't matter.

When his personal background was either scrubbed or hidden and nothing

could be found about him, people said it didn't matter.

When the place of his birth was called into question, and he refused to

produce a birth certificate, people said it didn't matter. When he did

produce it, it was an altered document. (I am not sure about this statement, AY)

When he had an association in Chicago with Tony Rezco--a man of

questionable character and who is now in prison and had helped Obama to a sweet deal on the purchase of his home-- people said it didn't matter.

When it became known that George Soros, a multi-billionaire Marxist,

spent a ton of money to get him elected, people said it didn't matter.

When he started appointing White House Czars that were radicals,

revolutionaries, and even avowed Marxist/Communist, people said it

didn't matter.

When he stood before the Nation and told us that his intentions were to

"fundamentally transform this Nation" into something else, people said

it didn't matter.

When it became known that he had trained ACORN workers in Chicago and

served as an attorney for ACORN, people said it didn't matter.

When he appointed cabinet members and several advisors who were tax

cheats and socialists, people said it didn't matter.

When he appointed a Science Czar, John Holdren, who believes in forced

abortions, mass sterilizations and seizing babies from teen mothers,

people said it didn't matter.

When he appointed Cass Sunstein as Regulatory Czar who believes in

"Explicit Consent," harvesting human organs without family consent, and allowing animals to be represented in court, while banning all hunting, people

said it didn't matter.

When he appointed Kevin Jennings, a homosexual, and organizer of a group

called gay, lesbian, straight, education network as Safe School Czar

and it became known that he had a history of bad advice to teenagers, people

said it didn't matter.

When he appointed Mark Lloyd, as Diversity Czar, who believes in

curtailing free speech; taking from one and giving to another to spread the

wealth; who supports Hugo Chavez, people said it didn't matter.

When Valerie Jarrett was selected as Obama's Senior White House Advisor

and she is an avowed Socialist, people said it didn't matter.

When Anita Dunn, White House Communications Director said Mao Tse Tung

was her favorite philosopher-- and the person she turned to most for

inspiration, people said it didn't matter.

When he appointed Carol Browner as Global Warming Czar, and her being a

well known socialist working on Cap and Trade as the nations largest tax,

people said it didn't matter.

When he appointed Van Jones, an ex-con and avowed Communist as Green

Energy Czar, who since had to resign when this was made known, people said it

didn't matter.

When Tom Daschle, Obama's pick for health and human services secretary

could not be confirmed, because he was a tax cheat, people said it didn't


When as President of the United States, he bowed to the King of Saudi

Arabia , people said it didn't matter.

When he traveled around the world criticizing America and never once

talking of her greatness, people said it didn't matter.

When his actions concerning the Middle-East seemed to support the

Palestinians over Israel, our long time ally, people said it didn't


When he took American tax dollars to resettle thousands of Palestinians

from Gaza to the United States, people said it didn't matter.

When he upset the Europeans by removing plans for a missile defense

system against the Russians, people said it didn't matter.

When he played politics in Afghanistan by not sending troops early-on

when the Field Commanders said they were necessary to win, people said it

didn't matter.

When he started spending us into a debt that was so big we could not

pay it off, people said it didn't matter.

When he took a huge spending bill under the guise of stimulus and used

it to pay off organizations, unions, and individuals that got him elected,

people said it didn't matter.

When he took over insurance companies, car companies, banks, etc.,

people said it didn't matter.

When he took away student loans from the banks and put it through the

government, people said it didn't matter.

When he designed plans to take over the health care system and put it

under government control, people said it didn't matter.

When he claimed he was a Christian during the election and tapes were

later made public that showed Obama speaking to a Muslim group and 'stating'

that he was raised a Muslim; was educated as a Muslim; and that he is still a

Muslim-- people said it didn't matter.  *(All we need to know is the truth, even if he is sympathic or identify with the Muslim people personally . . . just tell the truth)

When he set into motion a plan to take over the control of all energy

in the United States through Cap and Trade, people said it didn't matter.

When he finally completed his transformation of America into a Socialist

State , people finally woke up--- but it was too late.

Add these up one by one and you get a phenomenal score that points to

the fact that Barrack Hussein Obama is determined to turn America into a

Marxist-Socialist society.

All of the items in the preceding paragraphs have been put into place.

All can be documented very easily. Before you disavow this do an internet

search. The last paragraph alone is not yet cast in stone. You and I

will write that paragraph. Will it read as above or will it be a more happy

ending for most of America?

Endtimes and Week of Prayer and Impartations

Prayer Week In Light of the Endtimes'


Adrian Yuen, Ph.D.

Aloha, Friends:

This Sunday begins PRAYER WEEK for His Highest Praise International. We are calling every church to pray and fast (different variations) throughout the week as led by the Holy Spirit.

There is no question in my mind that we need to pray especially in light of the endtimes.

For the last several weeks, I have been preaching on the endtimes which included the rapture, the Tribulation Period, and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

1 Thessalonians 4:16-20 indicate to us that Jesus will come back for His Bride . . . the dead in Christ will rise first and we who are alive and remain, believers and His Bride, will be caught up or snatched away to be with the Lord forever. This event which can happen at any time now (imminent) is known as the rapture (Latin word, rapto, to yank up). I Corinthians 15:51,52 state . . . IN A MOMENT, IN THE TWINKLING OF AN EYE, AT THE LAST TRUMP: FOR THE TRUMPET SHALL SOUND, AND THE DEAD SHALL BE RAISED INCORRUPTIBLE, AND WE SHALL BE CHANGED."

There are many good people who disagree either as to whether there is a rapture or not, or when will it occur (pre-Tribulation, mid-Tribulation, post-Tribulation), or who will go up and when . . . It is my position and the position of His Highest Praise, that as symbolic by the Church of Philadelphia in contrast to the lukewarm Church of Laodicea, that there will be believers who will be kept from the hour of temptation and thus taken from the earth before the Tribulation Period.

When Jesus was speaking to the seven churches in Revelation 2 and 3, He spoke to the Church of Philadelphia (Revelation 3:10) in which He promised that this body will be kept FROM the hour of temptation or the Time of the Tribulation. And while that body of believers, we call the Bride of Christ, goes up prior to the Tribulation Period, there is a part of the body called Laodicea that goes into the Triublation Period. In Revelation 3:14ff, the lukewarm body of Christ (Laodecia, rulership by the people) is vomited from the body of Christ and into the fire of the Tribulation Period.

So just as there will be a rapture of READY SAINTS from the earth, there will also be a RUPTURE of the lukewarm believers into the Tribulation Period.


After the rapture, there will be a Tribulation Period estimated by some to be around seven years, the last half called THE GREAT TRIBULATION, during which time the MAN OF SIN or the Antichrist will be in charge as the NEW WORLD ORDER LEADER.

Revelation 3:10 states that the purpose of the Tribulation Period will be to "try them that dwell upon the earth.

At the end of the Great Tribulation, Jesus will come back and place His feet on the earth where He will bind Satan for 1,000 years, establish His Millenniel Kingdom, and rule the earth as the RIDER ON THE WHITE HORSE (Revelation 19), eventually leading to new heavens and earth.

So many details and events are not included here which are important (for later study), but we are to be ready for IN SUCH AN HOUR AS WE THINK NOT, BEHOLD HE COMETH.

Matthew 24:42 states, WATCH FOR WE KNOW NOT WHEN THE LORD WILL COME . . . The word "watch" means TO STAY AWAKE.

Such is the case for the body of Christ today.

There are people in the church today who are asleep . . . They are not discerning. They come with a form of Godliness but they deny the power thereof. There is no change, no discernment, no life of prayer, no power and faith, no victory and deliverance.

It is because we watch that WE PRAY.

This is why we are having a WEEK OF PRAYER AND IMPARTATION.

Beginning this Sunday evening at 6:00 p.m., we are having a prayer service by the laying on of hands. We will be praying for the sick, praying for the weary, praying for those who stand in great need of prayer. We want to WATCH or stay in tuned with God.

The week of prayer includes:

Monday at HHP Honolulu: Men's and Women's Ministries.

Tuesday at HHP Honolulu: Bible college students, students in post-secondary education, Sunday School teachers, etc.

Wednesday at HHP Honolulu: Destiny groups and mid-week prayer. . . also prayer at HHP Kaneohe . . .

Thursday Morning at HHP Honolulu: PRAYER WARRIORS meet at 10 a.m.

Thursday Evening at His Highest Praise Filipino Outreach in Salt Lake and also at HHP Waianae. Please go and pray with them at these two locations.

Friday Evening: Youth Expresions Prayer at 7:30 p.m. and ALL NIGHT PRAYER starting at 10 p.m. with Tish Turner speaking on ISRAEL and then praying until 7 a.m. From 7 p.m. on Friday, we will begin our all-night prayer in my office and then go upstairs from 10 p.m. on.




His Highest Praise Honolulu, 423 Kamake'e Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96814

Phone (808) 592-2300; Fax (808) 592-2305; email:;;;;

skype: adrianyuen7


Sunday, June 5, 2011

I think it is wise to equip people with truth and tools. Theology is the truth, psychology is part of the tools. Had we known where trends would lead, we would have intervened a long time ago.
In my own studies, I would have not been able to always know when it is a spiritual problem only or apsychological one as well that creates spiritual challenges and vice-a-versa. TRUTH IS BIBLE, TOOL CAN BE PSYCHOLOGY. Keep perspective!
There are signs when people are getting off or in trouble and we need to be aware of these signs. That's one valid reason why I encourage psychology, not as "pure truth," but as "good tool."
Sometimes we attack psychology when it can be a tool of observation. I took a college class from Dr. Jay Adams in graduate school so I know how he feels and I undestand his viewpoint. USE THESE TOOLS.
If we are trained in theology and psychology, we would even notice when our children are sliding away, not just spiritually but psychologically.
One of the important things leaders need to do is to put safeguards around them. If you are a leader, know the Word and know yourself by the Holy Spirit. David's prayer. . . . Search my heart, O God and see . . .
Some churches brag on just following the Bible but if you were to uncover the whole story, they prefer the people not to know what else they are doing. That is why we teach people to know so they can know even us and God. ESPECIALLY GOD!
Psychology helps us to understand the gamut of motivations that drives behaviors and could give us some indications of predictive patterns of behaviors. The answer is still God's Word!
I am always leary of people who attack psychology because many pastors ended up needing it badly as we now know. God is the answer, not psychology, but value what is valid and trust only God and His Word for absolute truth!
There are churches that say PSYCHOLOGY IS BALONEY. Gotcha, that's why we need to know it, because many people are unaware of their own motivations.
How can we speak for God when there is opposition, when we cannot speak for God when there is invitation?
Tell a friend the truth, so you will not be afraid to tell the enemy the truth too.
Live by truth, love comes easy!
Live to love, truth is essential.
Cherish one another . . . honor one another . . . believe in one another.
May God pour out His love and Spirit upon us today. By night, may your soul be more than full, READY TO CHARGE AHEAD AGAIN . . . FRUITFUL!
Open your Bible when you go to church, make sure what you are hearing is the Word of God. We need FULL GOSPEl for these days of intensity!
Even when at rest, your mind is still thinking and working, just like your spirit.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Obama quit to move in; this time without Congress. Ah ya . . .
Dr. Kevorkian, known by some as Dr. Death, died today.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Count your blessings, name them one by one (lyrics to song)
The power is in the truth. God sees behind the mask and He loves the real.
Good night and Good Morning
Keep your children close to your heart and they will always remeber that connection. HEART!
If only we knew, but we do not know enough. If only we saw, we see but we do not see everything. If only we shared, we share much more that can be remembered. Specs in this immence and infinite UNIVERSE.
One time, I heard the Spirit say, JESUS IS A MYTH. We need to make sure that the Jesus we speak of and serve is clearly expressed in Biblical definitions to the understanding of the hearer by the Spirit.
It is in the psychology of man to prefer an aspect of God . . . the mature unconditionally worships the God of Many Faces . . . tender and tough, loving and forthrigh . . . opened and specific!
There are times when I meet a God who is orderly and structured and He calls me to discipline and there are times when He is just sitting and awaiting time for quiet fellowship, no demands, just grace!
It is in the nature of man, I believe, to prefer to hear a God that is more accommodating than demanding. Do we really know the GOD OF MANY FACES?
In marriage, it is so easy for one partner to make it a project to better the other. We change easier when we are accepted and given value. We are sinners but God's grace has saved us forevermore!
Today (Thursday), the prayer warriors of His Highest Praise Honolulu are gathering to pray. Please list your prayer needs. OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD.
Prayer Week . . . June 12-17, 2011. Join us at His Highest Praise Int'l for a week of prayer and impartation!
When you counsel, be careful not to internalize the other person's challenges so they become your own too.
In counseling, many people become vicarious sufferers as they identify with the struggle of the member. Learn to empathize through the Holy Spirit.
As the message of some churches appeal to the "itching ears of the many," the voice of the prophet is being muted and the Word of God is spoken in a lite version.
John 6:66 . . . and they walked no more with Him . . . What will it take for us to walk away from God . . . a life of convenience when in this season we are called to stand in the opposition and suffering?
The urgent cry of the watchmen . . . be ready for in such an hour as you think not, HE COMETH.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Reading: Recommend you read BRUISED AND BROKEN by Frank Minirth, Paul Meier, and Donald Ratcliff . . . undersatnding and healing psychological problems.
Pts to ponder: if you accidentally gave $100 to a person you meant only to give $10 bill (no ask how you could not tell the difference) and saw how happy that person was, would you ask for the difference back after a one week discovery?
Aloha, typing fast, leaving out some letters or words. . . you get the drift, though . . . smile, sorry!!!!!
Pts to ponder: If you knew a person was having an affair and the wife keeps bragging on her marriage, would you say something or just act like you know nothing?
Pts to Ponder: if you did not mean to look at an answer of a test by another but saw it anyway and it triggered off the answer in your head, altho not exact, would you consider that cheating and tell on yourself? ponder: If your child steals from the neighbor and you can get it back to them without the knowing, would you inform them anyway?
Pts to Ponder: if you husband tells you that he no longer believes in God and hates Jesus and insists that you stop going to church, what should you do?
Pts to Ponder: if you love your wife and she asks you to leave the ministry that God has called you to do, what should you do? Think and ponder!
Pts to Ponder: if you are called to preach and your family refuses to go to church, what should you do?
Pts to Ponder: if you know you are called by God to do something and your spouse hates it, what do you do?

Sunday, May 29, 2011

I highly recommend that you read CHURCH UNIQUE by Will Mancini. Excellent on church growth.
I highly recommend that you read MINDFUL LEADERSHIP by Michael H. Dickman. Excellent.
I highl recommend that you read THE CLOSING OF THE AMERICAN MIND by Dr. Alan Bloom. Read it!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Question to ponder: if you daughter minor daughter was pregnant and her life was in dangerous according to the doctors, would you be okay with aborting the child in order to supposedly save the life of your minor child?
Question to ponder: If you saw a young man play with a child on his lap and you felt that it was not appropriate, would you say something to someone int he church nursery even if that was not your child?
Question to ponder: if you had a friend and you knew he was "interested in someone other than his spouse," would you still go on the vacation trip with a group that included that person of interest and your friend?
Question to ponder: If you are at home and you realized that the clerk undercharged you by $25.00 and you did not have $25.00 to pay it, glad it was less, would you call that store up and inform them? Why or why not?
Question to ponder: if you were alone and you saw $500 cash on the floor of the restroom at a restaurant, would you give it to the management or would you take it home?
Questions to thinkers: If you saw your father stealing money from your mother's wallet and buying drugs with it, would you tell your mother or someone? Even if you knew your mother would leave your father? Why, why not?
Questions for thinkers: Does the United States have the right to kill a leader of another country because our government disagrees with the "evil" he is doing to the people? Would we be ok if another country got involved with our situation if similiar?
Questions for thinkers: If your child tells you that he/she saw the teacher using school supplies for personal use in the office, would you advise the child to stay out of it or would you get involved or get your child involved? Why/why not?
Questions for thinkers: if you think someone is being unfaithful in the church and the spouse is not aware, would you say something at all? If so, to whom? What would you say? Say nothing? Why?
Question for my students: If a person had a sex change and now attends your Bible-believing church, how would you address the situation or would you? Say nothing? Say something? What? Why?
Church Question: If a teenager stole three purses of members in the last three months, do encothink the church should refuse to let them attend church or should the church encourage the young man because he has no family and refuse to get help?
Questions for my students: Should a parent tell another parent when he or she knows that the minor child of the parent is having sexual relationship without the parent of the child knowing? Girl is thirteen years old.
Question for students: If Jack knew that Peter was going to hurt Charles in a very serious way, would he be lying if he acted like he did not know where Charles was?
Question for students: Does the USA have a right to kill a leader of another country because he is evil to his own people?
Today begins another day of opportunity. Wherever you go, be a light to others.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
God is sifting the church . . . the leaven has to be removed so that the body can hear without distortion. . . .
Went to sleep at 7 p.m. last night and got up at 12:30 a.m. and still awake, 4:30 a.m., Hawaii time. My day on Friday will be interesting.
God will expose wrong motives. . . Lord, have we none wondrous works? Jesus said, DEPART FROM ME . . Dont do so much good and still miss the mark.
Make new friends and keep the old; one is silver and the other is gold . .
Abraham was the same man who fathered two sons, Sarah was the difference. God's order includes the person who feels insignificant as laughs at God's promises like Sarah. AY
When the winds blow, dry leaves will fall. AY.
Thank God for the Conference Team . . . unity, diversity, open, Spirit-led. Pray for Transformation Conference 2011, October 3-9, 2011 at His Highest Praise International, Hawaii.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

It is so easy to create our own version of God and to live by that false imagination, but when we know the God beyond our perception, SOMETHING CHANGES INSIDE. POWER! AY
There is an enemy out there, but whether you know it or not, there are more friends then enemies. JUST GOD ALONE MAKES IT MORE. AY
Nothing everything you forgive, you restore. Time will determine whether a forgiven is a restored. In any case, you need to let God restore you back to your first love and to a greater love. AY
Learning to forgive requires truth and time, but keep the hurt and anger eventually empowers the pain into a covenant stay. NO MORE, LET GO NOW. AY
Sometimes we wonder why we lost contact with friends or even now when we let go of people so easily. Satan has a way of disconnectingn us so that the power of our unity is impacted and in our solo journey, we are left to an isolation. TOUCH OTHERS. AY
God has a way of getting us to look back, not with the anger of neglect or the pain of suffering, but the joy that in each season of life, we learned something, maybe years later, to make us more complete. AY
When I was a child, I learned to love to read. I was able to live many lives and travel many places while sitting still in a little town called Kamuela. Reading takes you on a journey. AY
"Never hate what you can possibly love, never love what will cause you to lose your place and purpose." AY
The women on THE VIEW are okay calling another woman a vulgar name . . hmmm, those liberals would have been offended if it was to them.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

It is easy to say nothing than to stand up. But, be a John the Baptist . . . be a voice crying out in the wilderness . . . MAKE YOUR PATHS STRAIGHT FOR CHRIST.
Have a great day today . . . aloha to all . . .

Friday, May 20, 2011

Thoughts: there is in us a hidden "energy" that we may need to tap into when we feel totally defeated. Sometimes even in our sadness, God will activate that survival mechanism and He will speak to you and say, STAND UP, YOU ARE NOT DESTINED FOR DEFEAT. STAND UP, VICTORIOUS ONE.
Thoughts: if you feel you are a nobody, then you feel what we all have felt sometime in our lives. But, if you pray, heart-talk to God, tell Him how you feel and then be quiet, wait, be silent, hear His footsteps, He will respond and give you purpose.
Thoughts: God is showing me many things that are happening in the spirit realm. There is a master spirit of deception to manipulate the masses from media, educa tion, politics, and religion. We all need the Bible in our hearts, faith in Christ, and wisdom to know the differences of things.
Thoughts: Things happen in our lives that are beyond our ability to "smile through." Be okay in the season of your weeping, joy will come miraculously from God. Faith will take you when your emotions are overwhelming. Yield!
Thoughts: Spiritual leaders must always speak the mind of God as directed by the Word and led by the Holy Spirit. To compromise the Word is to be of disservice to those who will only be set free by the truth, sometimes raw and bold truth!
Thoughts: Subtle works of the flesh hidden behind religous spirits that look like spirituality, but the motive is control, narcissism, intimidation, manipulation, etc. Discern the spirit, see if it is of God. Word-check at all times!
Thoughts: There are people who may unknowingly carry a spirit that is not surrendered to God. In the admixture, they carry confusion wherever they go. Watch the heart, a divided heart is unstable, STAY OF SINGLE LOVE. JESUS!
Thoughts: God told Moses, NO LEAVEN BREAD CAN BE EATEN esp. during the Week of Passover. How do we "eat the Word of God?" Are we angry with someone while reading? Hurt and resentful? No leaven in our bread is allowed. No malice, pure heart will see God.
Thoughts: When the Isaelites when into the Promised Land, there was opposition too. Even when you are doing your prime vision. there seems to be no rest for the weary. Be okay, the war will fine tune your worship and make you stronger for victory.
Thoughts: In Exodus, God made Pharaoh hardened of heart so he would pursue the Israelites. If you are being pushed out by the world, it's not just the world, it's God making sure you do not go back to Egypt again. ALL THE WAY OUT.
Thoughts: In Exodus, Moses told Pharaoh that even the livestock had to go with them. If you are born again, "all of you and your life" need to leave Egypt in order to fully live in Canaan (your prime vision).
Thoughts: Satan puts webs and weaves an obligatioin in our spirit so that we can fully break away, but he is of no value to you. Let God free you fully from him even in your thinking.
Thoughts: Many prayer warriors sense things going on in our world, thinks not for good, but when we sense and then see things, look up, HE'S COMING SOON.
Thoughts: The Bible says that life is like a vapor . . . here today, gone tomorrow. Cherish each moment, but know that when you believe Jesus, He "has your back." Trust!
Thoughts: there are things that happen in us and around us that seem so unfair or mysterious, but keep steady in your faith. Even when weeping, silence is also a healer. JESUS!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Rom 1:11-I long to see you that I may impart some spiritual gift so that you may be strong and be mutually blessed.
So amazing to be in prayer and suddenly notice the Presence of God. SUPERNATURAL, leading to weepings and a sense of unworthiness leading to deep worship.
Prayer meeting is starting in a few minutes . . . any prayer needs, I will keep the facebook open while praying . . .
Funny: my brother had his arms around me and kept tapping my shoulder when I realized that both of his arms were back to himself and it was rather a roach inside of my shirt. WHOA! War, run, fight, jump, take off, but the roach clung to my shirt.
Funny: Pastor Rocky just came in to prayer meeting this morning wrapped in an American flag . . I hope he is okay, smile . . . I pledge allegiance to the . . .
Meaning: Ever wished you could just go on a trip with your family and take a break from the warfare when God just touch you and lifts the weary body instead? Cheaper than a vacation, smile! Still need to go to Disneyland!
Meaning: Ever been tired and still had to push on when God did something special like someone bringing you lunch with a smile? God speaks thru tokens too.
Meaning: I was tired last night in a good but long mtg when an older man said, I WANT TO THANK GOD FOR YOUR CHILDREN WHO BLESS ME BY THE WAY THEY SERVE GOD. And in that, I felt an impartaton of grace! Smile!
Meaning: Kiriana, my grand-daughter, got up yesterday and said to me, PAPA, is this your meds bag? You sick, you need to take medicine, you want me to pray for your booboo?
Meaning: Pamela was tired from teaching all day and came out to find Kea, our grand-daughter, mopping all by herself. Brought tears to a hard-working grandmother.
Funny: ever talked to someone and told a secret to only to realize it was that person who told it to you originally? Yikes, blabber mouth!!!!
Funny: some of us would discern the spirits, confront the enemy in all of his forms, and run when we see a roach . . . why the roach phobia? No ask me, I have it myself.
Funny: Have you sat still in your home or office and heard a fluttering sound like a roach getting ready to fly or a mouse stirring or churping? RUN, BABY, RUN . . . smile
Funny: Weather conditions bring out the roaches no matter what . . . I know roaches are attracted to me, they'd choose me out of a whole church to fly to . . I am so charismatic. . hahahaha
Funny: Roaches are everywhere in Hawaii. One flew on me late at night, another was running by my couch, and another was getting ready to fly at me from the wall and I was saying, THIS IS WORSE THAN SPIRITUAL WARFARE!
After a great admin mtg at the church, I came home and rushed to the bathroom and heard the wings of roach. The bathroom was too small to run and the door was locked. What an encounter!
Refuse the rush, go eat ice cream and chew gum at the same time . . . combo's great . . . wow, smile.
Refuse the rush, go the Walmart and laugh at all the fat people. . . oops, it's you in the mirror . . ah ya, smile!
Refuse the rush, go call someone and gossip and then repent to that person and get attitude . . . yippee! Just joking!!!!
Refuse the rush, quit your job and mess up your life for excitement . .. huh?
Rush the rush, go eat a bug in a salad . . .what?
Refuse the rush, go trap a rat . . . yuk, what am I saying?
Refuse the rush, go tweet somewhere . . . alright!
Refuse the rush, go read a book called facebook. Alright . . .
Read this article on the splitbrain theory at'severed%20corpus%20callosum
Study left and right brain thinking modes and do the brain tests here.
Listen carefully to Obama's rhetoric, decode it, he's the master of touble-talk and coded language, sorry to pop your bubble.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Read about the tongue and how Christians need to have spiritual discipline here . . .
The tongue has to controlled if we are truly spiritual leaders. Read this . .

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Happy Birthday, Mom. My mother is with Jesus right now, but she was/is a great woman of God. Miss her today especially.
Pray for Arnold and Maria's children who are suffering during the exposure of adult challenges. Pray for those who hurt.
A greater person is one who is able to w/hold the sword that could be weilded to one's fate. To the last among you, to God Himself.
Learn to tell God how you feel, respectfully and honestly. He knows already, but He wants you to have the courage to be honest with Him. Amazing how He will respond!
All of us hunger for friends that understand our hearts . . . whether men or women, we have needs that crave for the mirror of others. Be a friend, a true one to somebody today!
Sometimes in the night season, we feel that God's silence is unfair, but if we wait and don't panic, He will stir to our defense and delight!
Sometimes you need to walk around when you pray, speak to volume, inform the world that you are not going down on this one. YOU WERE DESTINED BY GOD TO WIN.
Sometimes evangelicals fear "emotions" in worship, even though we can be fickle, but get the right brain working with the left, WORSHIP ON ALL LEVELS.
If a relationship is making you sad, decide who has the authorization to impact you like that. Joy comes from God and anything less has no authorization!
There is a difference in appearing to pray as a prayer form. Some people are more in love with prayer than the person they are praying. Pray to God, HE HEARS AND CARES.
Many of us are gifted with words and we love to converse with one another; if only, we would learn to talk more to God than others, more would happen with others. PRAY!
If you need attention that badly and no one is giving it to you, go look in the mirrow and start complimenting yourself. Boot low self-esteem out!
If you feel down today, inform your down emotion that it is using up too much of your time and its presence is not authorized. JOY!
When you face negativity today, inform that negative that it has a time limit to be around you and then speak to the positive and inform it that it is always in charge. Thank you, Jesus.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Read REMEMBER THIS DAY from Exodus 13:3. . . by Adrian Yuen, Ph.D. . . . at
Remember This Day

Exodus 13:3 KJV


Adrian Yuen, Ph.D.

I love to study and teach from the first five books of the Bible called THE PENTATEUCH. There are many spiritual truths that are applicable and relevant for us today.


Several things we need to look at . . .

First, REMEMBER THIS DAY . . . All of us need to remember the day the Lord brought us out of Egypt (the world). . . where the "burden of the heart rolled away, it was there by faith I received my sight and now I am happy all the day." (lyrics of a song) We need to remember the grace of God that was given to us while we were yet sinners and undeserving, JESUS SAVED US. We need not to forget how wonderful it was to meet Him as Savior and Lord.

Second, we came "out from Egypt." Somehow in the modern emphasis of a compromised message, exodus from Egypt is not a strong teaching. So many Christians have claims to put on the new man, but they still have the old man co-mingling. We need to come OUT FROM EGYPT. As long as we are in Egypt, we cannot enter into the Promised Land of Christian maturity, of a kingdom believer sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise, and the overcomer with the Mind of Christ and the image of God and His sustaining grace. As long as we are dabbling with the world, we are hindered from many blessings of spiritual outpourings in our lives, even physical blessings, because we are not fully "out of Egypt." But, we need to REMEMBER THE DAY IN WHICH WE CAME OUT OF EGYPT, OUT OF THE LAND OF BONDAGE.

Third, from this point on in our discipling relationship with Jesus that "there shall no leavened bread be eaten."

This is so critical, a teaching lost in today's lite gospel churches where the truth is adjusted according to perception and the message is accommodating the self-induced process of growth. We need to eat unleavened bread and be taught the pure Word of God. There can be no compromise.

Someone may say, IT'S HARD TO LIVE THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. Yes, if you live it by your own strength. But, the Bible says, FOR BY STRENGTH OF HAND THE LORD BROUGHT YOU OUT FROM THIS PLACE." (Exodus 13:3)

Who brought you out?

Who delivered you?

Who forgave you?

Who is your source of strength?


Jesus said, LET NOT YOUR HEART BE TROUBLED . . . Satan wants a troubled heart. When our hearts are troubled, we eat leavened bread, we process things defensively, we think in terms of our own opinions and not in the mind frame of God's Word, the Bible.

When our hearts are troubled, we begin to eat LEAVENED BREAD.

When we are hurt with someone else, our spouses, our church family . . . hurt no matter who is the cause, the intent of every hurt is to trouble the heart and when the heart is troubled, we tend to eat LEAVENED BREAD.

When the message is preached from the pulpit addressing our issues, we respond with subjective resistance and we receive that pure Word with leaven.

When God gives us so many reasons to REJOICE, we remain in our troubled state.


When love is given to heal the unloving memory, we reject it with suspicion.

When peace is given to silence the gnawing pain of hurt, we dig up the "dead bones" (Numbers 19) and re-defile ourselves.

When joy is given miraculousy to answer the charge of bad thoughts, we choose to stir in our disappointment and anger. WE ARE EATING LEAVENED BREAD.


We speak to our troubled hearts and say, REJOICE IN THE LORD, AND AGAIN I SAY, REJOICE.

We speak to the enemy who wants us to be defeated by a spirit of trouble, by a weary heart, by a down-trodden soul and we say to life, I WALK WITH JOY, MY HEART IS REJOICING ON A GOODLY MATTER.. . . AND LET THE REDEEMED OF THE LORD SAY SO, SAY SO . . . the joy of the Lord is my strength!

I will remember the day He brought me out.

And I will walk fully out of this world and take on Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. And with the spirit of joy and victory, the overcomer will never eat the leavened bread as he or she humbly walks in the light and in the Spirit . . .

We refuse to eat any leavened bread, we desire the full truth and nothing but the truth.

AND WHEN WE REMEMBER THAT DAY, we become more determined to experience more of Him and to LIVE ON THE YES SIDE OF GOD.

With much aloha,

Adrian Yuen, Ph.D.

join me at twitter . . .

join me at facebook .

join me at the blog . .


skype: adrianyuen7

cell: 1.877.426.4389

Friday, May 13, 2011

Morning Thoughts: Eccl. 11:4 . . if we look around at the negatives (winds that blow, clouds that bring torrential rains), we will be on a defense and do nothing but become overwhelmed by the negatives. Look to God the AUTHOR AND FINISHER OF OUR FAITH.
Morning Thoughts: Eccl 11:4 . . whoever watches the winds will not plant or looks at the clouds will not reap. If we look at circumstances, our hearts will fail us for fear. Look at the Author of the Winds and the Creator of the Clouds and have faith.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Aloha . . . let's connect on;; and Getting the twitter doing, new at twitter.

David Phelps - No More Night

A book explaning the roots of Obama's rage . . fy . . see the content discussion on youtube. i
The Obama administration will finally release the photos of the death of Usama bin Laden just as we approach election season . . . like the birth certificate, it comes out when it's a good political move. Do you honestly think "government" did not know where Usama was?
On rare occasions, relationships can be so dysfunctional that one would have to be removed. Relationships should do good and not harm (Prov 31:12). We should love and forgive, but sometimes we may have to forget until that relationship no longer requires obssessive focus.
Exo 14-God wanted the Israelites so far away from Egypt that turning back would take too much work. So long in Egypt makes us sentimental even when the reality was harsh, the memory gets mushy.
Exo 14 . . God said to Moses. . . why are you crying? Tell the people to MOVE ON. Sometimes we can keep grieving or we can recover and begin to make life valuable with lessons learned.
Exo 14-God used the Egyptians to pursue the Israelites as they were leaving Egypt. Challenges have a way of forcing us out of our dysfunctions into our creative genius.
Exo. 14: God took the children of Israel from Egypt to the Promised Land through a longer route so that they would be so far into the journey that they would not so easily be able to go back. Come far in good so doing bad is too far remote.
Thoughts: I love you, I forgive you, and if necessary, I may have to forget you. But, we must promise to do good and not to harm each other. Love needs to be strong and kind. Our words to one another on all levels of love.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Jesus loves me . . . THIS I KNOW . . . the latter part is important. THIS I KNOW. Do you?
Jesus loves me, this I know . . . the latter statement is so important. THIS I KNOW. Do you?
Relationships: Daphine Kingma gives a secular view of why relationships end; some people have affairs to be found out and justify the end of what they feared the most . . . the end.
I am not for waterboarding, but I think a question should be asked as to the moral consistency of an administration that strongly opposes waterboarding a detainee in Gitmo but shooting an unarmed man and others in a compound with the order to kill and not capture.
Watch this video when Chris Wallace asks a question to an Obama official about shooting Usama and not being able to "waterboard" a detainee at
Read this article . . . How can you tell when someone is lying . . .
Prohetic: Some Christians believe that the Bible teaches a future one world government, led by an elite that will not be for the good of all. As we see global conditions leading us to global solutions, mandating a universal system, the foundation for the rise of the Antichrist will be in place, even if only for a short time. THEN JESUS!
Prophetic: Many times we enjoy the challenge of solving complex problems where what are required are complex thinking and processes. But, God has a way of simplifying the self-proclaimed genius of man by showing us the way to a simple solution for a weary heart. IT'S NOT A PROCESS, IT'S A PERSON . . . JESUS!
Prophetic: As we discern the times, we see many things happening around the world. Even in the church, no matter how much we rightfully claim there is a revival, the personal quality of individual life needs review. Where the rubber meets the road, real revival translates to personal quality: knowing who we are and doing our purpose for the good of His Message!
Prophetic: There is no question in my mind that the world is not lost for words. Even myself, I like to think, listen, share, read, know . . . and they are communicated in words. We love words, we're trying to solve world's problems with words. But, when our words are no more, PRAY UPWARD.
Prophetic: So many things are happening, including strange weather, physical disasters, and challenges on all fronts, especially the political and economic, social change is affected. It is so easy to "tune things out" or "worry over them." But, when all our words are no more, PRAYER IS STILL THE KEY.
Sending messages through and it is sending out triplicates, this is just a test. Oops!
Never forget to end your day with good thoughts. The Bible says, DO NOT CURSE WHILE YOU ARE IN YOUR BED OR THE BIRDS OF THE AIR WILL CARRY THE MATTER.
I would imagine you'd need a strong ego to be a politician, but some of the current leaders have huge egos . . . . read this
Pastors, educators, parents, and friends need to study emotional attachment/detachment when dealing with people and how they relate or not at

Monday, May 9, 2011

I am amazed at Obama's policy on national sovereignty regarding nations like Pakistan, Egypt, Libya . .
With Pia, Jacob, Casey, and Stefano out of the American I competitions, some of my enthusiasm got affected. James and Lauren are at a tie, although I prefer the four that are gone already.
Thank you for your prayers for my grandson, Nevin. He had an emergency procedure last week and has the okay from the doctors in the follow-up.
My son, Paul, passed 70-646 Windows 2008 Server Administrator with a perfect score of 1,000 points. Thanks for your prayers. Proud of him.
Did the U.S. government truly not know the whereabouts of Usama until the last few months or just a little longer? Obama wants to confine the war on Terror to Al Qaeda and some would prefer to think no Usama, no basis for further terrorism.
I am on facebook, twitter, myspace, linkedin, and blogger . . . Join me at